I’m going to make everything around me beautiful, and that will be my life. — Elsie De Wolfe

Hello! I’m Clarissa. I live a beautiful life. And guess what?! You can too!
Truly, this isn’t some secret sauce or MLM. This is just an intentional architecting of you life, your dreams, and your visions. It’s a toolbox of life skills.
When you learn the essential building blocks and tools of Build it Beautiful, you’ll realize you are the architect and you can then draft out plans to build your beautiful.
I’m not saying that everything is perfect. In fact, I teach that the imperfections can make your beautiful stand out with excellence and make a lasting impact.
Want to know the real secret though? When we Build it Beautiful, we also lead others to do the same.
Life, they say, gives you lemons. I say they give you rocks.
Because with Build it Beautiful, we teach a different kind of construction. Here, we take the rocks- the hardships, the setbacks, the seemingly insurmountable challenges, but also the good, the pleasurable, the dreams – and show you how to transform them into something extraordinary.
Forget about lemonade. We’re talking about artichtecting a life of excellence: crafting fortresses of clarity, vibrant tapestries of connection, and masterpieces of confidence. An impact.
Because the truth is, you have a choice: you can let your circumstances define and destroy you, weigh you down as you carry them around, or you can Build it Beautiful.

No reason to keep good plans and tools to myself. I love to share! It is my life’s work to educate others how to Build it Beautiful.
What I love most about this project is that this is a topic everyone needs. All can benefit from the message and tools. We can adapt and educate towards any kind of audience. Young and old. Youth groups and corporate teams. Sports teams and leadership organizations. Sky’s not even the limit.
We can also make this this program more formal and inspiring or informal and interactive. Any way you choose, you’ll be engaged and impacted for life.