What is health to you? What is in the description you’d give and what is excluded?

Next question: Is your health important to you? This means that what you said above is included in your health. Can you say that it is and each factor of your definition is thriving?
For example, if spirituality was included in my definition of health (not just exercise or diet), then I would need to account for my level of current spirituality when I thought about the importance of health and level of whole health in my life.
When I decided to become a coach, it was because I was missing a coach that considered ALL of what was important to ME as a client. I was getting “eat this like I did” and “do this workout according to what’s written.” I was missing the individual, whole health aspect and therefore didn’t come away with a lifestyle change. Because I couldn’t find the coach I was needing, I figured that there were people out there who also weren’t finding what they needed. So I became the coach I needed.

So what is WHOLE health to you? Have you found a coach that considers your full definition?
Whole health to me considers – physical, nutritional, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, financial, and environmental. Among many other things, it looks at genetic disposition, sleep, dietary needs, time constraints, and more. It shifts day to day, week to week, and even year to year.
May sound really complicated, and it is! That is why having a coach who can help you settle into your individual whole health is important. The navigation is tiring on our own right? It is always better to have a guide in untapped territory.
Whole health is comprised of basic guidelines for the many different areas of life, and then within those basic guidelines are the individual applications to each person. But it can be hard to know what individual applications you need to apply without someone who has been through and knows ins and outs of the road you are travelling on.
As a coach I help teach the umbrella of whole health guidelines and then we define, through a journey, what the personal needs are.
You need someone who can clearly see, through experience, how to help you navigate your health journey. Then you won’t feel lost, you won’t feel alone, and you WILL navigate successfully your individual whole health.