Build it Beautiful Podcast

The Break Up with Sugar Strategies – Part 3

Let’s talk sugar strategy here… Now remember that everyone’s definition and needs are different. Why? We are all on different health paths and our readiness or behavioral change journeys are different too. So take what you feel to apply to you to help you be just one step better and work on it. 

We are talking three strategies today – food ingredients, abstaining vs moderating, and replacing. Along with some other tips to get your sugar break up started, there is something for everyone here.

First item of business, learning how to find sugar in your foods. You won’t find it on the front of a label, but you can search for it in a couple places on the back of labeled foods. Here are five tips that I use with my clients on nutrition labels:

  1. The best tip I can give is to purchase foods that come with NO ingredient labels. Can you think of any? Like fresh meats, fruits, veggies, etc. 
  2. Going along with #1, if it does have a nutrition label, try to stick to less than 5 ingredients. The number is pretty arbitrary but the principle is that the less ingredients, usually the less processed. And less processed usually means more nutrients because they haven’t been stripped away during the processing and random additives put back in. 
  3. In looking at the ingredients, if there is sugar (see the many names below), try to look for foods that do not have sugar in the top 5 ingredients. The top 5 ingredients mainly constitute the bulk of the food you are eating, so the further down, the better. 
  4. There are SO many names for sugar (see section below). Companies are getting smarter about the placement of sugar on their ingredient list. To make sugar later on the list, they are actually using more than one kind of sugar to break things up so there are two + types of sugar in your product, but all those sugars can add up to a lot. So educate yourself on the names of sugar and what you need to look for on a label. 
  5. Look at the added sugar line in the nutrition facts. If it has less that 10 grams of ADDED sugar, you are pretty good for a more whole food. 

So an apple doesn’t come with a label (good), it has less than 5 ingredients (good), and there is NO added sugar (even though they are super sweet). These are just great basic guidelines to practice in your shopping. 

Next strategy is to learn if you are an Abstainer or Moderator. This comes from the amazing book of Gretchen Ruben called The Four Tendencies. Such a great read btw and worth your time! Helped me parent and wife in a whole new way. Anyway, she talks about people who are really good at being moderators and those that find it easier to just abstain. My hubby is a total moderator. He can take one bite of cake, taste it, and say no more. Me? I have a slice. Then a second. Then a third. And the rest of the pan when I am cleaning up. Then I’m sick. It is like I don’t have a system that tells me to stop. I’m that way in a lot of other areas of my life too. So it is MUCH easier for me to say NO to everything. And it works really well once I get going. 

This can help you decide better how a sugar strategy might look for you. 

During my luteal phase of my PMDD cycle I HAVE to be a complete abstainer because my hormones mess with my ability to regulate/moderate. During the follicular phase when hormones are running my body through a wringer, I am much better at regulation and can relax a little bit, but still do try to stay in the abstainer habit. Just makes it easier for me. 

If you are a moderator, it is helpful to set your limit before you eat your sweets so you stick to that with no exceptions. I have heard that after three bites of a dessert you really don’t taste it anymore. So you could set yourself at three bites, one small slice, one cookie, etc. We actually have set some guidelines like this with our girls. I talked a little about this in part 2 of this series but we have set that we only do baking on saturday or sunday, we don’t purchase and premade sweets from the store, and we only need one serving of what we make and can share the rest. 

This has saved our house immensely. There is less pressure to eat sweets as a “snack”, less pressure to snitch sweets because there aren’t any lying around, and we are enjoying our sweets more because we are making them ourselves! The girls (I only have girls) also can have any candy they get from school, class, friends, etc. There is no pressure from us as parents there because we know that there isn’t the rest of the bag. Loved setting some guidelines on health with our girls. They were part of that discussion. We talked about fully abstaining or allowing everything and we found what would work for use as a whole. 

The next strategy is a replacement strategy. I love to use this one with my clients but it always seems to take a while to kick in because we have to remember we have options and in the middle of a craving, this can be tough. The idea is this: instead of focusing on what you can’t have, what are some things you can have without guilt and that also add nutrients to your body. 

Other ways to cut back on added sugars:

  • Sugary drinks – stick with sparkling water, Zevia soda, herbal teas, infused water (I love mango and strawberries), and pure water
  • Avoid Sauces and Condiments – stick with spices, herbs, mustard, salsa (no sugar added), vinegars, and pesto. 
  • Eat more healthy and full fat foods – there is usually more added sugar in low fat varieties of foods to help it taste good. Also healthy and full fat foods make you feel full. 
  • Avoid any processed foods – you can be an unhealthy healthy – stick to as whole foods as possible
  • Watch your breakfast – one of the sweetest meals of the day – start your day with a good protein and fat filled meal – eggs and ham, protein oatmeal, etc
  • Add your own sugar – purchase unsweetened and then add your own sweetener in like stevia or erythritol.
  • Don’t keep sugar in the house
  • Don’t shop when you are hungry
  • Get enough sleep
  • Destress! 

In conclusion, I hope that this series has been helpful for your awareness and desire to take bits and pieces and apply them to your life to be healthier. It isn’t about perfection, it is about small little steps over time to create a lasting lifestyle. 

Below are the many names of sugar. I am sure this list probably isn’t all of them since new products are coming on the market, but it is great to be aware of the names when you are shopping. 

The Most Common Names for Sugar

(Excluding artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes)

‍Basic Simple Sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides):

  • Dextrose
  • Fructose
  • Galactose
  • Glucose
  • Lactose
  • Maltose
  • Sucrose

Solid or Granulated Sugars:

  • Beet sugar
  • Brown sugar
  • Cane juice crystals
  • Cane sugar
  • Castor sugar
  • Coconut sugar
  • Confectioner’s sugar (aka, powdered sugar)
  • Corn syrup solids
  • Crystalline fructose
  • Date sugar
  • Demerara sugar
  • Dextrin
  • Diastatic malt
  • Ethyl maltol
  • Florida crystals
  • Golden sugar
  • Glucose syrup solids
  • Grape sugar
  • Icing sugar
  • Maltodextrin
  • Muscovado sugar
  • Panela sugar
  • Raw sugar
  • Sugar (granulated or table)
  • Sucanat
  • Turbinado sugar
  • Yellow sugar

Liquid or Syrup Sugars:

  • Agave Nectar/Syrup
  • Barley malt
  • Blackstrap molasses
  • Brown rice syrup
  • Buttered sugar/buttercream
  • Caramel
  • Carob syrup
  • Corn syrup
  • Evaporated cane juice
  • Fruit juice
  • Fruit juice concentrate
  • Golden syrup
  • High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
  • Honey
  • Invert sugar
  • Malt syrup
  • Maple syrup
  • Molasses
  • Rice syrup
  • Refiner’s syrup
  • Sorghum syrup
  • Treacle

The Break Up with Sugar Part 2

After posting the last post, I was surprised and happy to hear how this resonated with so many of you. Breaking up with sugar was something you have either thought about or are putting into practice. I did, however, get some questions that I would like to answer in this post, the second in the Breakup with Sugar Series. 

Photo by FOODISM360 on Unsplash

First question I had gotten. What do you define as sugar?

I think how this “breakup” can be defined is mainly left up to who is choosing how to break up. It could be a break up where you go pretty much “KETO” eating only proteins and fats with minimal veggies and fruits. Or it could go to only candy and the “breakup” isn’t necessarily about ALL sugars. As your coach I would ask you how you want that to look like for you right now. What can you leave out that won’t “rock your world” or make you feel “deprived” because if you feel that way, your choice isn’t a lifestyle you can sustain.

Sugars are found in pretty much everything we eat. Not only are we bombarded with sweets (cookies, cakes, candy, sodas, chocolates, ice creams, etc) but then there are ADDED sugars in SO many items in the grocery store (like 99% of grocery items). But there are also natural sugars found in anything with a carbohydrate – from breads to fruits to even veggies because carbohydrates are essentially sugars. 

However, our bodies use different kinds of sugars in different ways. So they may all be calories (another word for energy) but the different sugars will leave different results. An oreo is going to affect your body differently than a pear. 

Sugar from the Oxford Dictionary is defined as:


  1. a sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants, especially sugar cane and sugar beet, consisting essentially of sucrose, and used as a sweetener in food and drink.

Our bodies are GEARED for sugar – it was a mechanism for survival before the years and technological advancements in food. But with these advancements, we aren’t in life threatening danger anymore. In fact, humans eat about 700 more calories a day than they did 60 years ago. But also our obesity rate has risen exponentially during that same time. Why? Because of what we are choosing to put in our bodies. Yes, you are in charge. 

Why do we love sugar so much outside of survival? 

  • It makes food taste good – most processed foods HAVE to add in sugar (and salt/sodium) to make the food they processed taste good to our pallet
  • It is quick energy
  • It is a coping mechanism due to its chemical reaction to our brains = it gives us comfort when in distress
  • It is everywhere and inexpensive

There are simple and complex carbs/sugars…. Those that hit your bloodstream really fast and those that hit it slower. When sugars hit hard and fast, your blood sugar rises quickly, you get a severe dopamine hit to the pleasure center of the brain, insulin is released to cope and then everything drops steeply to levels below where you started, leaving you low energy, depressed, and not satisfied. When you eat a complex carb the spike and hits are less steep and so is the drop. You also tend to stay heightened for longer before your blood sugar drops. Essentially it takes your body longer to digest the complex carbs. 

Coming back to my breakup, I have chosen to define sugar as – all “junk foods or calorie condensed foods in the sweet categories” and as much added sugars as possible are out. With the exception (because moderation in all things) of when my girls bake on the weekend, I can have one serving if I desire. 

Your choice of breakup may look different and that’s okay. I picked these guidelines for a couple of reasons, both personally and scientifically… When your diet consists of too many sugars, testosterone (a hormone) rises and can cause weight gain, hair loss or growth in unwanted areas, and anxiety. Estrogen also rises and progesterone (also hormones) can drop which is called Estrogen dominance and can lead to infertility, PMS symptoms, breast tenderness and irritability. Over time the amount of insulin and sugar pulsing through your veins trying to level eachother out gets exhausted and in excess and can cause massive inflammation – which ALL chronic diseases (arthritis, cancer, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, mood disorders, etc) are caused by inflammation. 

With PMDD I have found that because I am SO sensitive to normal hormonal changes even a small amount of sugar effects will derail my body and mental health for a long time. If I eat, let’s say, a bowl of ice cream (because who ever eats just a scoop), not only will I have a massive headache, but angry digestive issues from stomach all through the intestines from inflammation and I will also get really foggy in my thinking, less emotionally regulated, and I tend to slip into negative thought patterns really fast. If I have too much sugar (which usually happens if I start with one piece, I eat a lot more) my limbs will even buzz with almost a jittery feeling. I sleep awful and can have body dysmorphia too. 

And these things all can happen within an hour of a dessert that has too much for my body. And effects can be lasting long after the sugar rush dies down. 

If I were to eat simple sugars/carbs during my luteal phase (the week before my period) my PMDD and sugar buzz are the perfect storm to crash my ship into a million pieces and my PMDD symptoms can be severe and life threatening. 

What is so crazy and may be scientific or psychological, but it is truly real for me, I do not get these effects from complex carbs – berries, rice, sweet potatoes, whole grains, veggies, other fruits. So I truly do agree with the studies saying different sugars can affect our bodies differently. 

I feel good when I eat right for MY body’s needs today. Period.

So as much as possible, I am saying “nope” to them. However, I mentioned my girls baking. I think that life still needs to be full of memories and making good ones can get us through the bad days. We have decided as a family that if we are going to have sweets, it needs to be something we make from scratch and with love.

***TIP: When coaching my nutrition clients we talk about how if you are going to eat something sweetened – whether that’s yogurt or pasta sauce or cake – it is ALWAYS better to add your own sugar than let a company add it for you. #1 you are in control #2 you can decide what that sweetener is – you could add honey instead of table sugar #3 you know what is going into your food.

In my next post I am going to talk about how to look for sugars (education) and ways to change your food choices (application). 

As with all things, we are creating an awareness through these posts and not rigid rules. Once you create awareness, you will be able to look clearly at your food choices and start to gain questions and curiosity on what your body needs. As with all my clients, take what rings true to you and what sparks the “I need to add that in/take that out” promptings and use them to better your life. One little step at a time. It is a process as always. 

A way you can do that is to make a list of foods that you eat that make you feel good when you eat them… truly energized and content, and food that make you feel guilty or “buzzed” for lack of a better word. I think we all know what those are for us when we are honest. Just keeping a postit note on the fridge and jotting something down after you eat it can help too.

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational and journaling purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Break Up with Sugar – Part 1

Sugar and I had a good go, but it is time to break up. The more I study about it, the more I just can’t have it as a part of my life. I’m going to have to get my joy ride from something else. For 2021 (and I can’t believe I am saying this out loud and on paper FOR-EV-ER in the clouds) that I am going to try my darndest to go the whole year without it. And, from what I’ve studied, it may take up to 5 years, FIVE, to get the cravings to go away. Sheesh… I’m in it for the long haul. But it is imperative that we breakup.

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Not convinced you are ready to say goodbye to your best friend who always has your back, even though you know that they aren’t doing you good? I get that. It is a sneaky one and an addicting one as well. but being open to this idea may help you create some awareness around your body and diet and you may be able to start some simple changes to help your health. 

Here are just some of the main ways sugar affects your body. Definitely a big list and seriously not even the tip of the iceberg….

  • First off, sugar messes with your energy regulation. No one needs energy drops. Eating sugar alone can be an issue too so pair it with a protein and small amount of healthy fat to sustain and regulate energy better. 
  • Sugar can mess with your brain’s ability to regulate. When you eat sugar, you can get the same rush of endorphins that can be equal or even greater than a hit of cocaine to the pleasure center of the brain. And next time, in order to get the same degree of rush, you must eat more sugar. If you are an emotional eater, this could cause a problem with consuming sweets to “feel better.” 
  • Studies are showing that too much sugar leads to higher depression in adults. One of the main thoughts on this is that sugar can give you a burst of energy, but when that energy runs through your body, you body may drop to an even lower state of mood and energy than before. So think twice about hitting up for that mid-afternoon slump. Witching hour anyone? But also sugar decreases and interferes neurotransmitter effectiveness in your brain due to… you guessed it, inflammation of the brain on sugar.
  • We all know that sugar can rot your gorgeous smile, even if you brush your teeth, your saliva can hold more sugary goodness long after you eat it.
  • Did you know that sugar can also cause joint aches and pains? Yep. Sugar is an inflammatory, dare I say, DRUG. With that inflammation your joints cannot work in full range of motion and you are more likely to cause injury to them. Too much sugar over time is also linked to rheumatoid arthritis. Yikes!
  • Inflammation just doesn’t happen in your joints, it can also happen on your skin… hello acne AND wrinkles! We definitely don’t wait to age faster for any reason but that is what sugar is going to do to your skin due to the loss of elasticity because of how sugar reacts with the collagen in your skin. You will get acne because the inflammation causes the fatty layer of your skin to produce more oil and your pores cannot keep up so they get clogged. 
  • When you eat excess sugar, the extra insulin in your bloodstream can affect the arteries all over your body. It causes their walls to get inflamed (another inflammatory response), grow thicker than normal and more stiff, this stresses your heart and damages it over time. This can lead to heart disease, like heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes.
  • When you eat, your pancreas pumps out insulin to help your blood sugar levels regulate. If you’re eating too much sugar, your body stops responding properly to insulin and regulations. It is on overload. So then your pancreas starts pumping out even more insulin. Eventually, your overworked pancreas will break down and your blood sugar levels will rise, setting you up for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Or even milder symptoms such as bad sleep and heart palpitations… which as a mom, sleep if everything for me!
  • Added and refined sugars in your diet can increase your risk of cancer. Cancer FEEDS on sugar and so does estrogen which can be instrumental in breast cancer is levels get too high or the hormone mutates. 
  • And it can cause weight gain due to the inflammation stress that happens to your body with increased blood sugar levels. Soda is the biggest offender here because of its concentrated and liquid sugar content.
  • AND (maybe the most important lol) it can seriously decrease your sex drive because your blood flow isn’t working properly due to the chemicals and sugar fighting throughout your body. I don’t think we need ANY of that going on. 

For me, having PMDD, eating sugar really messes with my hormone balance and therefore my mood and body image. The times when I have eaten a sugary diet (around the holidays for example or even a “craving week”), my anxiety and disruptive thoughts skyrocket. I don’t necessarily know the science of why but I can only guess that inflammation has a major part in this change. I feel crappy and therefore I act crappy. Super sciency words right there! 

I hate that I don’t sleep well when sugar is a main part of my diet and I feel like I can’t be a good teacher and coach being sluggish. Everything is so connected in my body (and yours) that removing sugar is going to help in SO many areas as I talked about above. 

Check out my next post on ways to limit sugar and a further post on some other ideas about sugar. In the meantime, you can watch this video that was produced a while ago, but still so pertinent to the breakup with sugar…

Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Find it here:

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational and journaling purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Thoughts on December

December is always a month that I see numbers drop at all studios I teach at. Never fails. Because of all the “happenings”, attendance drops and I worry about my students and their health. 

At the same time that attendance drops, pounds pile on. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard all about the holiday binge eating and lack of “self control” during these times. Don’t get me wrong, I love food. Food is the key to the soul and speaks to memories and community. It truly is a love language and gathers people. Especially to me. 

With this being said, we need to love ourselves. Most of the time, binging or eating too much comes from our lack of connection to food, connection to the real reason we have gatherings, and our fear of missing out or lack for later. Below are a couple of tips for honoring your relationship with food. 

  1. Slow Down. Take a deep breath and become mindful of the food you are choosing to eat. Be thankful for the bounty of the holidays. 
  2. Get curious. Analyze what you are eating with questions like: Why did I choose to put these foods on my plate? What hints of spices can I taste? What textures are in this and how do they changes as I chew? What could I add or take away that might enhance of change this if I were to make it myself?
  3. Choose foods for health AND fun! It isn’t an either/or event. It is a full event and when you respect, you tend to choose better. 
  4. Plan your treats – if you are going to eat something sweet, be present with it and enjoy every single bite. To be honest, I have learned that most sugar isn’t worth it and there are very few desserts that I love that I am willing to have the headache afterwards. It is a tradeoff and I plan with focus. 
  5. Be present with the people around you. You aren’t there for the food, you are there to have better relationships with others. Ask those around you as many questions as you can and listen with true curiosity to their answers. 
  6. Leftovers… are you hungry, bored, tired, or emotionally wound up? Again, slow down and get curious, go through the same process again. Also, sometimes we also think we are hungry when we really need hydration, so take a drink and wait 10 mins to hit the leftover decision. 

If you are feeling guilt after a celebration, get curious why your relationship with food and your body are not happy. This may lead to some coaching needs that I can help you with. We want to have good holiday memories and your guilt will not help that come to pass. We can work together to overcome that roadblock. Just shoot me an email to set up a time to coach –

To finish my thoughts on the month, There is NO bandwagon, but there is your priority, your values, and your behaviors. Priority changes after certain seasons in life but we choose our outcomes by behaviors meshing with our values. So this month, think about what 3 things you need to accomplish every day to come out of the holiday season feeling the best you can and do something each day that lines up with those three things. Exercise is my #1 – I need it to emotionally stabilize daily (ask my hubby and kids). It is probably one of your top three too. Nutrition is my #2 and creation/productivity is my #3. 

I’d love to know what your top three are! Drop them in the comments below and enjoy your nutritional feast this week!

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational and journaling purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Late Periods are the Worst

There is something about coming seeing that first period bleed that as a PMDD warrior, you cherish. Might be too much info for you, but not for me. It is my saving grace.

For someone with PMDD it means that you made it through the luteal phase. That you are alive and that good days are ahead. That you didn’t follow through with your crap thoughts and motives. And that you can finally start picking the pieces up from your shattered PMDD choices to rebuild for the next three weeks and maybe make life stronger and more stable for the next go around. 

As much as the period kills me in other ways, I would rather be physically sick than mentally sick for how deep I go during the luteal phase. 

Periods are heaven for those with PMDD. 

This past month, my period decided to wait 4 MORE days to start. No doubt, I was freaking out that I was pregnant, but more importantly, that meant my luteal phase lasted an EXTRA FOUR DAYS!!! And not just any normal day… FOUR. PEAK. DAYS! Brutal hell (said in a British accent like Ronald Weasley in Harry Potter). 

Don’t know why my hormones decided to wait to shift. Maybe it will be a blessing for next month, but it frustrated us all in this household for sure. I had planned and prepared and made goals, but was not prepared one ounce for FOUR extra days. I suffered under the cravings and ate my way through those days.

It threw everything off! I was supposed to be feeling good for all the events I planned around my period – dance concert backstage mom, hosting a Christmas dinner, making it to church, recording new workouts without blemishes and having the energy to do so. But instead, I was a ball of tears, morbid thoughts, and not one ounce of patience or libido left. 

My poor family… extra Christmas presents you say? (Mom is def getting coal in her stocking though).

I ached to see that red and was SO thankful for it FINALLY starting to help me shift my focus to build instead of destroy. 

If you know, you know. Late periods are the worst.

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational and journaling purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***


These tools are taken from Emiliya Zhivotovskaya. I first heard of these while I was mowing my lawn and had to stop, run in the house and spent the next 30 minutes writing furiously to take notes of each of these tools. Then I found them on her site, much better explained and written out. You can learn more from the website below.

I find that I like the body ones and then can move on to the mind tools. With all my studies on anxiety, I felt this finally helped a more broad population, like me, that feels anxiety really fast and really hard.

The following is written by: Emiliya Zhivotovskaya but simplified slightly for reading purposes.



There are thousands of research studies that support the impact of exercise in completing the stress cycle.  Engaging your muscles use up the chemicals that your body releases. A 2014 study by Wegner et al., aggregated data of over 37 meta-analyses and research on 42,264 people and identified that exercise made a significant impact on  anxiety.

Cardiovascular exercise like running is great as our evolutionary ancestors were often running from something when they were anxious.  But, if you don’t have anywhere to run to escape the tiger in your mind, exercises such as progressive muscle relaxation can work too. Tense all of your muscles and hold for a slow count of ten and then relaxing.


Whether you’re petting an animal or receiving a hug… touch releases oxytocin.  This feel good chemical is responsible for bonding, connection and a sense of trust. 


Havening is a psycho-sensory therapy that utilizes physical touch to down-regulate the nervous system. 


This is one of my favorite techniques for creating calm utilizing bilateral stimulation of the brain. This is the use of visual, auditory, or tactile external stimuli occurring in a rhythmic side-to-side pattern which if frequently used as a core element of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, is a novel treatment of stress related conditions using a step by step process of self-stimulating acupressure points throughout the body while repeating a statement. While research on EFT is in it’s infancy, the data is promising and the self-reported uses and impact is strong, including this research summary Medical News Today which offers the EFT steps, along with a summary of the most recent research.


Benefit from the impact of gravity on blood flow to slow your beating heart with forward fold poses. Consider some of these simple possess for 5-7 breathes.  Inhale and fill your body with breath. Exhale slowly and mindfully ease into the stretch.


The vagus nerve passes through by the vocal cords and the inner ear and the vibrations of humming is a free and easy way to influence your nervous system states.  In particular, chanting the sound “OM” or anything with a “mmm” sound stimulates the vagus nerve as it is connected to the vocal cords. Consider the bumble breathe (bhramari), it’s one of my favorites. The first time I ever did bhramari in yoga class, was also the first time I had ever experienced a “silent mind.” (Even though it only lasted 2 seconds :-).


As water flows, the crashing of water particles creates negative ions which when inhaled and felt on our skin has been shown to lift mood and decrease stress.  And what’s better than listening to the sound of running water? Getting in!  A 2018 study by Goto and colleagues examined the impact of showering versus bathing on the well-being of 38 participants. They found that while both are beneficial, bathing led to significantly lower stress, tension-anxiety, anger-hostility, and depression-dejection.  According to the authors, “Immersion bathing, but not shower bathing, exerts hyperthermic action that induces increased blood flow and metabolic waste elimination, which may afford physical refreshment. Immersion bathing should improve both physical and emotional aspects of quality of life.”


Breathing is the only autonomic function that you have direct control over. Every inhale stimulates your sympathetic nervous system, your body’s gas pedal. Every exhale stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system. Use these techniques to  drive the car of your body.  To decrease the experience of anxiety and stress, make your exhale longer than your inhale.  To stimulate the body, make your inhale significantly longer than you’re exhale. To relax the body, make your exhale significantly longer than your inhale.

The simplest and safest way to start is to notice your breath and count what a natural breath cycle feels like.  Then try to match the length of your inhale and exhale. Then, to create calm, keep breathing with your inhale count the same but slowly extend your exhale count until the exhale is twice as long as your inhale.

Here are the many ways that breathing impacts your mind-body health:


The vagus nerve is one of the primary nerves of the relaxation response. It innervates the most in the stomach region. When you practice abdominal breathing you slow the breath down and relax the muscles around your stomach, you further stimulate the vagus nerve.  



Set a timer to go off. When it does, write down your thoughts. Knowing what types of thoughts you’re working with will give you greater mastery over the process below. You may notice that there are a handful of core worries that you have and everything else is on loop.


Reminder yourself that you are not your thoughts. You are not worried. You are you, having the experience of worry. Reperceiving is defined as the ability to “disidentify from the contents of consciousness (i.e., one’s thoughts) and view moment-by-moment experience with greater clarity and objectivity” (Shapiro et al., 2006, p. 377).  Mindfully witnessing your thoughts helps you separate yourself from the thinker.


Instead of wrestling your thoughts, recognize that they are trying to protect you. Appreciate your worrying mind doesn’tWhamean you have to give in to the thoughts. Remember that worrying interrupts long-term problem solving. If there is actual threat, then what you need is problem solving and action. Worry makes you want to run away instead of leaning and doing something about it.


Your neo-cortex is the human, rational thinking part of your brain. It is the part of your brain that has the capacity to use reason and logic to make decisions about the future. Your emotional limbic system in your brain, is the part of our brain that is wired for survival. In a relaxed state, the emotional brain is aware of “what is happening” and the rational brain is capable of planning into the future of “what will happen” with “what if” scenarios. When you’re in threat mode your worrying brain decides it should be responsible for “What Iffing”. It does so with worst case scenario thoughts and makes you think it’s real. Remember, the emotional brain treats the “what ifs” as though they are happening now.


Setting aside time to worry creates a container. I suggest picking a daily time and writing for at least 15-20 minutes. Most people find they max out around 5-10 minutes. Then when you’re brain offers worries at other times throughout the day, remind it that it can wait till the next time. 



Check out the step-by-step process at




Check out Jonathan Field’s description of the Certainty Anchors and how to use them to find calm in a stormy world. Use these anchors to center you and calm the brain. Create rituals that bring meaning to the simple actions of day to day life.

Strategies to Breakthrough PMDD Luteal Phase Episodes + Addictions

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

There is a fine balance between what is in my heart that I want to share and what you need for your journey. I question and ponder until those two overlap and can share that overlap. 

Here’s my overlap today…

Women with PMDD go through a point each month in which behaviors are very “addict” like. What does this mean?

Well, our frontal lobe is the rational decision making and emotional regulation area of our brain. During PMDD episodes (usually around days 13-15 and 23-28 or a female cycle) the frontal lobe checks out. The cause is unknown to why this happens but it is like neurotransmitters to not make it past that synapse. Either way, it happens and the frontal lobe becomes a mass of lazy tissue for lack of a better explanation. 

Because of this, our Limbic system then takes over or at least most to solo operation mode… this is the emotion and hormone driven area of the brain (to simplify). That need for a dopamine hit overrides everything. 

This can lead, as I am sure you can deduct already, to behaviors and decisions that aren’t in line with a true, whole self. Usually compulsiveness in myriads of ways – from emotional outbursts to binge eating of junk foods to frantic cleaning of house and home to overspending. It has been related to me like someone being addicted to drugs, alcohol or pronography. Ever had those insatiable cravings for anything? Oreos? Oh the whole sleeve? Oh just one more? Ugh, might as well finish the whole package. Sound familiar?

Now, for me, I really dislike being placed with those kinds of people. Why? I am not addicted to anything via choices I made and I didn’t choose to have PMDD, but being honest, my actions, left unchecked, will show the same behaviors 100%. 

In the Book of Mormon (a book of scripture in my religion), there is a passage that says “And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” Ether 12:27

Why do we have weakness? Weakness requires us to reach out to other people, rely on a higher being/plan, and to help us grow into our full, truest self. Not that I want to have a weakness or anything. I am super independent, full of determination, and excellence… those don’t line up with being weak in any area.

But having weakness requires us to surrender and accept. To work with it, not against it. PMDD won’t magically disappear as I prayed for so long.

How do I, and you, work with PMDD? 

I tell you, it is SO painful to come out on the other side of a PMDD week and realize you have to start back at square one and even to deal with the consequences of my simply stupid choices — like the stomach ache, 5lbs, lethargy and bloat from ALL the sweets I could get my hands on. Yikes. So as much as I don’t want to, I do need a plan to manage symptoms. So do you!

A successful plan requires three things —

  1. Help
  2. Spirituality
  3. Strategies

First, help. 

Help is hard. Yep. Mic drop. LOL. 

Ask for help from trusted sources – family, friends, therapist, doctors, etc. 

Having a conversation with my hubby and kids and laying out the help I needed from them was not easy the first time. In fact, my hubby and I went to bed on opposite sides that first time. But with practice, it has become routine and a bit easier at times. I have more courage through taking accountability instead of avoiding and expecting. 

Every month before my luteal phase I tell them next week I won’t feel good. Then I ask my kids and hubby for help to keep things extra clean, make dinners, and pretty much take care of eachother. Also, that instead of always relying on mom, there is a dad home (especially on weekends). 

I’ve also asked friends to take my kids for a couple of hours to allow me to have quiet time and peace. And, yes, I have asked technology to give me some quiet time too 🙂 Either way, asking can be hard but if you don’t ask, the answer is always NO. 

Second is spirituality. Another word could be the value of faith. This is a belief that there is a plan for you and that there are powers or a being who can see the whole picture. That all will workout for your good. You can find this helpful by connecting to those powers. That may be yoga, scripture reading, meditation, getting out in the mountains, etc. 

Finally we hit strategies. This gets the biggest portion from me today. Probably because it is what I am working on. 

You MUST plan and prepare these strategies BEFORE you hit your PMDD days or any sort of issue you want to work on, right? This is so applicable to more than just PMDD. 

Get out a piece of paper and fill out the following strategies. I have included some prompt questions and examples to get you thinking. 

  1. Goals
    1. Make a list of goals you want to accomplish when you come out of your week or past your trigger time. Examples could be:
      1. Staying the same weight
      2. Not going into CC debt
      3. Staying off of social media
  2. Restriction Strategies
    1. These are strategies of abstinence. Not even one. Nope. Not you. 
    2. What do you need to remove from your vision and mind?
    3. What are your triggers? 
      1. Credit card autofill?
      2. Leftover Halloween Candy?
      3. The weekly cookie shop email?
      4. Walking into the kitchen?
  3. Replacement Strategies
    1. What can you allow yourself instead?
    2. What behaviors does your higher self implement when the days are good?
    3. What can you do to be productive and useful to give you a sense of purpose?
      1. Call 4 friends
      2. Pre-packaged salads
      3. Some fresh berries for a snack
      4. A new book or class online for the time
      5. More exercise
      6. Walking on the treadmill while watching a movie
  4. Mindset Strategies
    1. Cravings of any kind can narrow your focus to all that you don’t have. 
    2. How can you broaden your view to bring peace and settling?
      1. Any practice of gratitude
      2. Move to what you have and not what you lack
      3. Look at good times in your life — chatbooks, phone images, etc?
  5. Structure Strategies
    1. Some people need to have structure to be able to keep their thinking clear. So weekends with a different schedule can put a wedge in your ability to stay true to your goals. 
    2. What rituals and routines help you feel accomplished at the end of the day? 
      1. Making your bed
      2. Exercising
      3. Getting ALL cleaned up
      4. A good breakfast for yourself
    3. I asked my hubby to not plan anything or ask anything of me on Saturdays until noon. This allows me to accomplish what my mind and body need to feel even just a bit more focused and better. 

This paper is now your plan and now you can write out the next things you need to do in a preparation list. 

This is my general list for each month and I tweak where needed.


  • Remind my family days in advance and ask for help where needed
  • Set goals for the week
  • Tell my family those goals
  • Have them check in with me often to see if I am staying strong
  • Allow them to remind me about my goals
  • Meal plan and prep snack boxes before day 23
  • Find a good book or find a class to take
  • Plan an artistic project to undertake

As you can kind of see, you want to create a space that you feel productive, useful, contributive, and peaceful during the luteal phase. You want to come out not needing to pick up shattered pieces and you want to feel dignified and accomplished that you made it through. 

This may take practice to find what works and what balance you need for your family circumstances…. I mean, I’d like to just go to a resort for 5 days a month and have my own chef. But that isn’t in our cards right now… 

This takes accountability and action NOW instead of waiting. It takes communication and preparation. It is hard work but really worth it. It may save your marriage, your relationships with your kids, and especially with yourself. 

If you have any questions about this or would like to sort this out with help, I am happy to schedule a coaching call with you. Shoot me an inquiry at

Pruning + Failure

tree-crown-thinning - ArborCare

Tonight I am sitting with a list of endeavors I am in the middle of, in front of me. I look at each one knowing the dreams, investments both of time and money, and potential of each one I have had.

What’s the problem then? Well, the problem is that I am an inch deep and miles wide instead of being a mile deep and an inch wide. I know being a multi-endeavor entrepreneur isn’t wrong. I have been a Jane of ALL trades my whole life. I know I can do each item on this list, but frankly I am burning out.

Maybe if COVID didn’t hit us this year I’d still be sailing along, but this year has kicked my trash. Hopefully I am not the only one, but I have not thrived or pivoted well. I have struggled to find my footing and purpose. Each endeavor has had massive roadblocks and misty roads.

So I am going to prune my growing tree. To be honest, it isn’t the cutting that I am worried about, it is the shame of what others will think about me and what I will hold against myself later. “Failure” is written all over the inside of my eyelids. 

I am afraid I will feel and be viewed as a failure to others and myself. 

We prune our fruit trees every November (fitting huh) to make sure that after a period of hibernation, our trees may flourish and stay healthy and fruitful. Guess what? Sometimes when we prune we don’t get a lot of fruit the next season. But two or three later? That’s when the reward comes. 

Pruning hurts and doesn’t feel or look good. I can just hear my trees griping because they are funny shaped, naked, and they worked so hard to grow that one ridiculously tall branch this year. I, too, feel that way when I am pruned… cut down to size, humbled, and naked. 

But to quote my hubby and my fave series right now, “This is the way.” It is something that must be done. 

So what do I kick off my plate? How do you determine what you drop off your plate? 

Some things I have looked at this week:

  • Where can I have the deepest influence? – notice, not the widest influence. I’d rather leave a lasting impact on a few instead of a minor run in with many. 
  • I love all that I am pursuing so the next question has been, during this flood of COVID and stress for me, which activity have I actually looked forward to and want to prepare for? Which ones do I find myself putting off or feeling anxious about? Maybe those procrastinating activities are not the activities I need to be in, maybe they are, but I am curious about defining how I feel about each one. 
  • What have I felt pulled and drawn to by a higher power? I am a christian and rely heavily on the powers that be to guide my life. I don’t care who or what you believe in, you usually feel and are pushed in certain directions. I call these personal revelations. 
  • What areas are the best for my family in this stage of life? My kids are still pretty young. I have some commitments I need to keep with them and my hubby that are taking a lot of my time this school year. Maybe next year it will be different or if we go to online schooling, but right now, I am committed. So I want to keep a balanced family life and career life…. That is HARD to do BTW. We are inundated with personal growth, self care, etc messages that I don’t feel successful if I am not growing my company or personal achievements. 
  • So that brings me to another question of what is my priority? I can only have one. Hmm… family. That means for me that I am home when my kids are home and try not to have work hours during those times. That being said, I do have to work during those hours so how do I balance that? 
  • Next, what are my values and guiding principles? These are characteristics of myself that no matter what route I take I will keep. However, there are some endeavors that favor those values and principles more easily than others. 
  • Finally, what are my gut feelings? I don’t think that decisions can be good if you are not all on board. That means, for me, that sometimes I need to wait it out and float until decisions become apparent. So if there are people pushing me for a decision, it probably isn’t the right one unless I have the “hell yes!” answer right away. (“Brene Brown”ing again)

Think about your trees and what could be taken off and what needs more of your focus to grow. That is going to look different for everyone. Maybe you need to work on a weak area, maybe you need to keep the strong even stronger. 

I usually brain dump the areas that I am working on and all the smaller activities and pursuits that area is requiring. Then I can visually rework, cross out, or newly sketch my future. 

Well, hopefully this is something you can look at when you need to prune your tree. You interested in knowing which branches of mine stay? Me too, guys, me too.

And finally, other people’s percetions, comments, and reactions to your life decisions have nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. Do not let them sway you otherwise and stay strong in your answers. Which is WHY you MUST work these branches out for yourselves or you’ll end up with some dark magic branles that keep regrowing without your consent.

I’m always open to coaching your through these concepts I talk about. Shoot me an email if you want to set up a session with me on them.

Don’t Be the Mantle Piece

art from

While working out today I listened to a podcast (what’s new) about art. The speaker was talking about how much art/visuals influence our lives and our perceptions about reality. 

He talked about how that can be good or bad for us. But something particular struck me and then shifted my whole perspective on what he was saying. Hear me out and I will link below to the podcast if you want to listen to it. 

He talked about how we portray events in art as our mind pictures them and not what really happened. That this can then distort others idea of what really happened. He specifically talks about President Washington praying in Heisman Trophy stance (you know what I am talking about) and how there isn’t really evidence that he even prayed at all… just that he relied on God. Not a bad thing to portray but maybe not the truthful moment. 

So the speaker then talked about how most art that is painted is “mantle worthy.” That art is made to show the glorious and romanticism so that good feelings are evoked. So the artist in the podcast took on a particular challenge of painting non-mantle pieces. That there is SO much “messy middle” (to quote Brene Brown) that we don’t see. That because we don’t see the messy middle, as humans, we get the notion that we should be experiencing the glorious big. But in reality 99% of the time, there is no BIG and clear, there is mess and muck and perseverance and struggle. 

While this was being talked about, I felt a very strong impression that I needed to create a place where there is not mantle worthy work. That I needed to show the real, the messy, the struggle. 

As I was making my bed yesterday (about the ONLY thing in life I am consistent with 99% of the time, promise), I was crying because I am SO tired of trying to reach goals I see others have set as successful marks and not reaching them.. That I am tired of not loving who I am already (inside and out) and always trying for more. “What a waste of my life” was my thought. I am tired of not being enough. I am tired of feeling like I have to be perfect to share me because then I am not sharing at all. 

My therapist told me the other month that I will never be enough. (It was a shock and kind of painful to hear actually). But he explained that because I am human, these flaws won’t ever go away, meaning I won’t ever be mantle worthy. So why am I trying to live in perfection? Ugh, so true and now I am working hard to shift that paradigm by questioning and being vulnerable. 

Do I really want to be placed on a mantle to gather dust and have all admire me? Honestly, sometimes the answer is yes. It seems like that would be a fantastic resting place and admiration feels good. Also, it is what our society consistently and bombarding shows as success. But most of the time, no I don’t want to be left on the mantle. I LOVE the struggle. I love being among and with others in it, not above or beyond. I love showing people that life is given to LIVE and grow and struggle, not to rest. Gotta fight that mentality we are so often portrayed and told about. 

So this is going to become the place, mixed with articles on how to create health of course, but I want to show how there is no arrival upon the mantle… for any of us.

This will be hard for me! This may be hard for you! I go through some pretty traumatic things with my mental illness. You are welcome to skip those posts, but someday you may come in contact with someone who needs to know they aren’t alone in the messy middle and you can point them to my mess and they can then know how to find the beauty in their own.

The podcast I was listening to is below. Please know that it is Christain based and shares religious views but can be wonderful for all to listen to.

Proper Warm Up Techniques and Ideas

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Just as much as any other aspect of training, your warmup should be top priority. Yeah, yeah. I know, it is such a nuisance when you are just rearing to go with anticipation and pre-workout 🙂 But there are potential benefits you will be missing and run the risk of serious injury which may prevent you from working out anyway. 

Let’s talk about the benefits of choosing a good warmup, the downfalls if you don’t warm up at all, and then look at different ideas you can implement into your workouts. 

Here are some benefits of a warmup – 

  • Warming up prepares your heart, lungs, and muscles for the more strenuous focus of your workout.
  • Activates your heating and cooling systems which is really important during aerobic activity. 
  • Blood temperature rises and as blood travels through your muscles, your body makes oxygen more available to the working muscles which will help endurance. 
  • Blood vessels dilate and this increases blood flow and oxygen flow. Again, helping with endurance and keeping stress away from the heart. 
  • Hormones also change when you warmup. Cortisol and epinephrine production increase. They are in charge of regulating energy production. 
  • Muscles get warm and allow for more deep and forceful contraction and a faster release and relax.
  • Range of motion increases in your joints – warming up helps lubricate the joints to help the move smoothly
  • Mental clearing of the mind, focusing and reviewing form and technique. 

Downfalls of missing a warmup

  • You may feel slow and have less power at the start of your warmup because you have to try to get your muscle warm and focused in
  • You run the risk of injury to joints and muscles without proper warming up – tears, sprains, tweaks, whatever you may call them are more likely to happen because the joints and muscles aren’t flexible and engaged for work. 

Ideas and Tips for Proper Warmups

  • The general guidelines from the AMA state that a warmup should be between 5-10 mins. 
  • Tailor your warmup to your workout – if you are running, do a slow jog or speed walk. If you are doing a leg day, air squats and lunges. You want to have this be a gradual step to the main push of your workout.
  • Loosen the joints with small movements in preparation for range of motion movements such as yoga and lifting
  • Don’t static stretch! – This means that you don’t hold the pull in one position. This actually increases your risk for injury. 
  • DO dynamic stretching – hip swings, big arm circles, pelvic tilts, toe touches, etc.

For my lifting clients,we focus more on functional stretching – I suggest doing each move on their workout using no weights for about 10 reps each. Keeping the range of motion smaller than their “best”. And then after this a short series of dynamic stretches. 

For cardio clients, we do more dynamic stretching first and then a little run/jog to finish up. 

Mainly, we want you to connect your body and mind together to decrease injuries and increase power and progress. Warmups won’t look the same for different kinds of workouts and different personalities too so think about what you would like to do and what your workout will require of you and move from there. 

Overall – Don’t skip it!

*** For those training with me, after our initial weight in and reconnect, we usually don’t have a lot of time to do an hour workout. Therefore, I ask that you each warmup before you come to the studio… or you may have a shortened workout since we will be focusing more on making sure we are warming up properly.  Thanks for understanding this. In any other gym, you would come 10-15 mins early to do your warmup before you met with your trainer. If you want to do it like this, let’s set that up or just do it before you come ***