Build it Beautiful Podcast

Strategies to Breakthrough PMDD Luteal Phase Episodes + Addictions

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

There is a fine balance between what is in my heart that I want to share and what you need for your journey. I question and ponder until those two overlap and can share that overlap. 

Here’s my overlap today…

Women with PMDD go through a point each month in which behaviors are very “addict” like. What does this mean?

Well, our frontal lobe is the rational decision making and emotional regulation area of our brain. During PMDD episodes (usually around days 13-15 and 23-28 or a female cycle) the frontal lobe checks out. The cause is unknown to why this happens but it is like neurotransmitters to not make it past that synapse. Either way, it happens and the frontal lobe becomes a mass of lazy tissue for lack of a better explanation. 

Because of this, our Limbic system then takes over or at least most to solo operation mode… this is the emotion and hormone driven area of the brain (to simplify). That need for a dopamine hit overrides everything. 

This can lead, as I am sure you can deduct already, to behaviors and decisions that aren’t in line with a true, whole self. Usually compulsiveness in myriads of ways – from emotional outbursts to binge eating of junk foods to frantic cleaning of house and home to overspending. It has been related to me like someone being addicted to drugs, alcohol or pronography. Ever had those insatiable cravings for anything? Oreos? Oh the whole sleeve? Oh just one more? Ugh, might as well finish the whole package. Sound familiar?

Now, for me, I really dislike being placed with those kinds of people. Why? I am not addicted to anything via choices I made and I didn’t choose to have PMDD, but being honest, my actions, left unchecked, will show the same behaviors 100%. 

In the Book of Mormon (a book of scripture in my religion), there is a passage that says “And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” Ether 12:27

Why do we have weakness? Weakness requires us to reach out to other people, rely on a higher being/plan, and to help us grow into our full, truest self. Not that I want to have a weakness or anything. I am super independent, full of determination, and excellence… those don’t line up with being weak in any area.

But having weakness requires us to surrender and accept. To work with it, not against it. PMDD won’t magically disappear as I prayed for so long.

How do I, and you, work with PMDD? 

I tell you, it is SO painful to come out on the other side of a PMDD week and realize you have to start back at square one and even to deal with the consequences of my simply stupid choices — like the stomach ache, 5lbs, lethargy and bloat from ALL the sweets I could get my hands on. Yikes. So as much as I don’t want to, I do need a plan to manage symptoms. So do you!

A successful plan requires three things —

  1. Help
  2. Spirituality
  3. Strategies

First, help. 

Help is hard. Yep. Mic drop. LOL. 

Ask for help from trusted sources – family, friends, therapist, doctors, etc. 

Having a conversation with my hubby and kids and laying out the help I needed from them was not easy the first time. In fact, my hubby and I went to bed on opposite sides that first time. But with practice, it has become routine and a bit easier at times. I have more courage through taking accountability instead of avoiding and expecting. 

Every month before my luteal phase I tell them next week I won’t feel good. Then I ask my kids and hubby for help to keep things extra clean, make dinners, and pretty much take care of eachother. Also, that instead of always relying on mom, there is a dad home (especially on weekends). 

I’ve also asked friends to take my kids for a couple of hours to allow me to have quiet time and peace. And, yes, I have asked technology to give me some quiet time too 🙂 Either way, asking can be hard but if you don’t ask, the answer is always NO. 

Second is spirituality. Another word could be the value of faith. This is a belief that there is a plan for you and that there are powers or a being who can see the whole picture. That all will workout for your good. You can find this helpful by connecting to those powers. That may be yoga, scripture reading, meditation, getting out in the mountains, etc. 

Finally we hit strategies. This gets the biggest portion from me today. Probably because it is what I am working on. 

You MUST plan and prepare these strategies BEFORE you hit your PMDD days or any sort of issue you want to work on, right? This is so applicable to more than just PMDD. 

Get out a piece of paper and fill out the following strategies. I have included some prompt questions and examples to get you thinking. 

  1. Goals
    1. Make a list of goals you want to accomplish when you come out of your week or past your trigger time. Examples could be:
      1. Staying the same weight
      2. Not going into CC debt
      3. Staying off of social media
  2. Restriction Strategies
    1. These are strategies of abstinence. Not even one. Nope. Not you. 
    2. What do you need to remove from your vision and mind?
    3. What are your triggers? 
      1. Credit card autofill?
      2. Leftover Halloween Candy?
      3. The weekly cookie shop email?
      4. Walking into the kitchen?
  3. Replacement Strategies
    1. What can you allow yourself instead?
    2. What behaviors does your higher self implement when the days are good?
    3. What can you do to be productive and useful to give you a sense of purpose?
      1. Call 4 friends
      2. Pre-packaged salads
      3. Some fresh berries for a snack
      4. A new book or class online for the time
      5. More exercise
      6. Walking on the treadmill while watching a movie
  4. Mindset Strategies
    1. Cravings of any kind can narrow your focus to all that you don’t have. 
    2. How can you broaden your view to bring peace and settling?
      1. Any practice of gratitude
      2. Move to what you have and not what you lack
      3. Look at good times in your life — chatbooks, phone images, etc?
  5. Structure Strategies
    1. Some people need to have structure to be able to keep their thinking clear. So weekends with a different schedule can put a wedge in your ability to stay true to your goals. 
    2. What rituals and routines help you feel accomplished at the end of the day? 
      1. Making your bed
      2. Exercising
      3. Getting ALL cleaned up
      4. A good breakfast for yourself
    3. I asked my hubby to not plan anything or ask anything of me on Saturdays until noon. This allows me to accomplish what my mind and body need to feel even just a bit more focused and better. 

This paper is now your plan and now you can write out the next things you need to do in a preparation list. 

This is my general list for each month and I tweak where needed.


  • Remind my family days in advance and ask for help where needed
  • Set goals for the week
  • Tell my family those goals
  • Have them check in with me often to see if I am staying strong
  • Allow them to remind me about my goals
  • Meal plan and prep snack boxes before day 23
  • Find a good book or find a class to take
  • Plan an artistic project to undertake

As you can kind of see, you want to create a space that you feel productive, useful, contributive, and peaceful during the luteal phase. You want to come out not needing to pick up shattered pieces and you want to feel dignified and accomplished that you made it through. 

This may take practice to find what works and what balance you need for your family circumstances…. I mean, I’d like to just go to a resort for 5 days a month and have my own chef. But that isn’t in our cards right now… 

This takes accountability and action NOW instead of waiting. It takes communication and preparation. It is hard work but really worth it. It may save your marriage, your relationships with your kids, and especially with yourself. 

If you have any questions about this or would like to sort this out with help, I am happy to schedule a coaching call with you. Shoot me an inquiry at

Pruning + Failure

tree-crown-thinning - ArborCare

Tonight I am sitting with a list of endeavors I am in the middle of, in front of me. I look at each one knowing the dreams, investments both of time and money, and potential of each one I have had.

What’s the problem then? Well, the problem is that I am an inch deep and miles wide instead of being a mile deep and an inch wide. I know being a multi-endeavor entrepreneur isn’t wrong. I have been a Jane of ALL trades my whole life. I know I can do each item on this list, but frankly I am burning out.

Maybe if COVID didn’t hit us this year I’d still be sailing along, but this year has kicked my trash. Hopefully I am not the only one, but I have not thrived or pivoted well. I have struggled to find my footing and purpose. Each endeavor has had massive roadblocks and misty roads.

So I am going to prune my growing tree. To be honest, it isn’t the cutting that I am worried about, it is the shame of what others will think about me and what I will hold against myself later. “Failure” is written all over the inside of my eyelids. 

I am afraid I will feel and be viewed as a failure to others and myself. 

We prune our fruit trees every November (fitting huh) to make sure that after a period of hibernation, our trees may flourish and stay healthy and fruitful. Guess what? Sometimes when we prune we don’t get a lot of fruit the next season. But two or three later? That’s when the reward comes. 

Pruning hurts and doesn’t feel or look good. I can just hear my trees griping because they are funny shaped, naked, and they worked so hard to grow that one ridiculously tall branch this year. I, too, feel that way when I am pruned… cut down to size, humbled, and naked. 

But to quote my hubby and my fave series right now, “This is the way.” It is something that must be done. 

So what do I kick off my plate? How do you determine what you drop off your plate? 

Some things I have looked at this week:

  • Where can I have the deepest influence? – notice, not the widest influence. I’d rather leave a lasting impact on a few instead of a minor run in with many. 
  • I love all that I am pursuing so the next question has been, during this flood of COVID and stress for me, which activity have I actually looked forward to and want to prepare for? Which ones do I find myself putting off or feeling anxious about? Maybe those procrastinating activities are not the activities I need to be in, maybe they are, but I am curious about defining how I feel about each one. 
  • What have I felt pulled and drawn to by a higher power? I am a christian and rely heavily on the powers that be to guide my life. I don’t care who or what you believe in, you usually feel and are pushed in certain directions. I call these personal revelations. 
  • What areas are the best for my family in this stage of life? My kids are still pretty young. I have some commitments I need to keep with them and my hubby that are taking a lot of my time this school year. Maybe next year it will be different or if we go to online schooling, but right now, I am committed. So I want to keep a balanced family life and career life…. That is HARD to do BTW. We are inundated with personal growth, self care, etc messages that I don’t feel successful if I am not growing my company or personal achievements. 
  • So that brings me to another question of what is my priority? I can only have one. Hmm… family. That means for me that I am home when my kids are home and try not to have work hours during those times. That being said, I do have to work during those hours so how do I balance that? 
  • Next, what are my values and guiding principles? These are characteristics of myself that no matter what route I take I will keep. However, there are some endeavors that favor those values and principles more easily than others. 
  • Finally, what are my gut feelings? I don’t think that decisions can be good if you are not all on board. That means, for me, that sometimes I need to wait it out and float until decisions become apparent. So if there are people pushing me for a decision, it probably isn’t the right one unless I have the “hell yes!” answer right away. (“Brene Brown”ing again)

Think about your trees and what could be taken off and what needs more of your focus to grow. That is going to look different for everyone. Maybe you need to work on a weak area, maybe you need to keep the strong even stronger. 

I usually brain dump the areas that I am working on and all the smaller activities and pursuits that area is requiring. Then I can visually rework, cross out, or newly sketch my future. 

Well, hopefully this is something you can look at when you need to prune your tree. You interested in knowing which branches of mine stay? Me too, guys, me too.

And finally, other people’s percetions, comments, and reactions to your life decisions have nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. Do not let them sway you otherwise and stay strong in your answers. Which is WHY you MUST work these branches out for yourselves or you’ll end up with some dark magic branles that keep regrowing without your consent.

I’m always open to coaching your through these concepts I talk about. Shoot me an email if you want to set up a session with me on them.

Don’t Be the Mantle Piece

art from

While working out today I listened to a podcast (what’s new) about art. The speaker was talking about how much art/visuals influence our lives and our perceptions about reality. 

He talked about how that can be good or bad for us. But something particular struck me and then shifted my whole perspective on what he was saying. Hear me out and I will link below to the podcast if you want to listen to it. 

He talked about how we portray events in art as our mind pictures them and not what really happened. That this can then distort others idea of what really happened. He specifically talks about President Washington praying in Heisman Trophy stance (you know what I am talking about) and how there isn’t really evidence that he even prayed at all… just that he relied on God. Not a bad thing to portray but maybe not the truthful moment. 

So the speaker then talked about how most art that is painted is “mantle worthy.” That art is made to show the glorious and romanticism so that good feelings are evoked. So the artist in the podcast took on a particular challenge of painting non-mantle pieces. That there is SO much “messy middle” (to quote Brene Brown) that we don’t see. That because we don’t see the messy middle, as humans, we get the notion that we should be experiencing the glorious big. But in reality 99% of the time, there is no BIG and clear, there is mess and muck and perseverance and struggle. 

While this was being talked about, I felt a very strong impression that I needed to create a place where there is not mantle worthy work. That I needed to show the real, the messy, the struggle. 

As I was making my bed yesterday (about the ONLY thing in life I am consistent with 99% of the time, promise), I was crying because I am SO tired of trying to reach goals I see others have set as successful marks and not reaching them.. That I am tired of not loving who I am already (inside and out) and always trying for more. “What a waste of my life” was my thought. I am tired of not being enough. I am tired of feeling like I have to be perfect to share me because then I am not sharing at all. 

My therapist told me the other month that I will never be enough. (It was a shock and kind of painful to hear actually). But he explained that because I am human, these flaws won’t ever go away, meaning I won’t ever be mantle worthy. So why am I trying to live in perfection? Ugh, so true and now I am working hard to shift that paradigm by questioning and being vulnerable. 

Do I really want to be placed on a mantle to gather dust and have all admire me? Honestly, sometimes the answer is yes. It seems like that would be a fantastic resting place and admiration feels good. Also, it is what our society consistently and bombarding shows as success. But most of the time, no I don’t want to be left on the mantle. I LOVE the struggle. I love being among and with others in it, not above or beyond. I love showing people that life is given to LIVE and grow and struggle, not to rest. Gotta fight that mentality we are so often portrayed and told about. 

So this is going to become the place, mixed with articles on how to create health of course, but I want to show how there is no arrival upon the mantle… for any of us.

This will be hard for me! This may be hard for you! I go through some pretty traumatic things with my mental illness. You are welcome to skip those posts, but someday you may come in contact with someone who needs to know they aren’t alone in the messy middle and you can point them to my mess and they can then know how to find the beauty in their own.

The podcast I was listening to is below. Please know that it is Christain based and shares religious views but can be wonderful for all to listen to.

Proper Warm Up Techniques and Ideas

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Just as much as any other aspect of training, your warmup should be top priority. Yeah, yeah. I know, it is such a nuisance when you are just rearing to go with anticipation and pre-workout 🙂 But there are potential benefits you will be missing and run the risk of serious injury which may prevent you from working out anyway. 

Let’s talk about the benefits of choosing a good warmup, the downfalls if you don’t warm up at all, and then look at different ideas you can implement into your workouts. 

Here are some benefits of a warmup – 

  • Warming up prepares your heart, lungs, and muscles for the more strenuous focus of your workout.
  • Activates your heating and cooling systems which is really important during aerobic activity. 
  • Blood temperature rises and as blood travels through your muscles, your body makes oxygen more available to the working muscles which will help endurance. 
  • Blood vessels dilate and this increases blood flow and oxygen flow. Again, helping with endurance and keeping stress away from the heart. 
  • Hormones also change when you warmup. Cortisol and epinephrine production increase. They are in charge of regulating energy production. 
  • Muscles get warm and allow for more deep and forceful contraction and a faster release and relax.
  • Range of motion increases in your joints – warming up helps lubricate the joints to help the move smoothly
  • Mental clearing of the mind, focusing and reviewing form and technique. 

Downfalls of missing a warmup

  • You may feel slow and have less power at the start of your warmup because you have to try to get your muscle warm and focused in
  • You run the risk of injury to joints and muscles without proper warming up – tears, sprains, tweaks, whatever you may call them are more likely to happen because the joints and muscles aren’t flexible and engaged for work. 

Ideas and Tips for Proper Warmups

  • The general guidelines from the AMA state that a warmup should be between 5-10 mins. 
  • Tailor your warmup to your workout – if you are running, do a slow jog or speed walk. If you are doing a leg day, air squats and lunges. You want to have this be a gradual step to the main push of your workout.
  • Loosen the joints with small movements in preparation for range of motion movements such as yoga and lifting
  • Don’t static stretch! – This means that you don’t hold the pull in one position. This actually increases your risk for injury. 
  • DO dynamic stretching – hip swings, big arm circles, pelvic tilts, toe touches, etc.

For my lifting clients,we focus more on functional stretching – I suggest doing each move on their workout using no weights for about 10 reps each. Keeping the range of motion smaller than their “best”. And then after this a short series of dynamic stretches. 

For cardio clients, we do more dynamic stretching first and then a little run/jog to finish up. 

Mainly, we want you to connect your body and mind together to decrease injuries and increase power and progress. Warmups won’t look the same for different kinds of workouts and different personalities too so think about what you would like to do and what your workout will require of you and move from there. 

Overall – Don’t skip it!

*** For those training with me, after our initial weight in and reconnect, we usually don’t have a lot of time to do an hour workout. Therefore, I ask that you each warmup before you come to the studio… or you may have a shortened workout since we will be focusing more on making sure we are warming up properly.  Thanks for understanding this. In any other gym, you would come 10-15 mins early to do your warmup before you met with your trainer. If you want to do it like this, let’s set that up or just do it before you come ***

Workout Recovery and Overtraining

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Rest and recovery is essential to any training program, especially if you want to train long-term and sustainable growth. From personal experience doing the wrong thing, I think it is more important than training itself. We only workout for a small portion of our days and if we are giving everything we have to that workout we will have nothing left. 

While training is good for your body, the more intense you train the more intensely you need to schedule rest. If you don’t schedule rest, you could stall in your progress, deplete nutrients faster, and sustain injuries. 

It is easy to get caught up in the muscle gains and weight losses and start to train for hours and hours without rest. Kind of leading to an obsession (although you may not realize it or call it that). 

This happened to me this year. I was teaching and training 3-4 hours a day – I couldn’t gain muscle or lose weight so I worked out harder because I had gotten caught in the momentum of training for results. After 3 months of this I experienced great adrenal fatigue. I could barely get out of bed and was forced to stop training at all. My hormones were greatly imbalanced and took over a month for me to even get back to the gym. Even now I have to take it easy and am lifting little volume compared to what I was doing in the spring. 

Here are some of my rest and recovery tips to replenish your body and give you the ability to sustain your training and your life. 

Plan it Out!

  • Every 3-5 weeks plan a rest week – half the reps and half the weight used for big lifts. 
  • Delayed onset muscle soreness—DOMS, for short—is a common sensation felt after lifting weights. Most trainees actually base the success or effectiveness of their training sessions on how sore they get; however, this is not a good way to think about your progress. Typically, DOMS is characterized by muscle tenderness, stiffness, and reduced joint range of motion, muscle flexibility and force production, about 24 hours after your training session. Compensating for muscle fiber damage and returning to the gym prematurely will increase your risk for injury.
  • Ensure you have 24-72 hours rest between intense training sessions involving the same musculature. Less rest is needed between sub-maximal training sessions.


  • It has been shown that lack of adequate sleep can decrease the tolerance to training, throw off hormone balance, alter mood, increase perception of fatigue and negatively affect the physiological mechanisms responsible for adaptation from the stresses of training. Hormonal secretion during sleep is one of the most important factors influencing recovery; after all, the purpose of sleep is to induce a state of recovery in the body. Anabolic (muscle-building) hormone concentrations and activity increase during sleep while catabolic (muscle-wasting) hormone concentrations and activity decrease. Disrupted or shortened sleep will negatively influence the effects of these anabolic hormones.
  • Try to develop a regular sleeping routine where you go to bed at a similar time each night of the week. Remove distractions like light, smartphones, and TVs. If possible, try for 8 hours of sleep per night and/or fit in an afternoon power nap for 30 minutes to rejuvenate the body.


  • Dehydration can reduce performance potential, but also delay the recovery process. Exercise and an increased metabolic rate both increase the body’s need for water and electrolytes. So water just isn’t enough. 
  • If you are sweating, you are losing not just H2O but magnesium, sodium, and potassium. If you are just drinking water thinking this will do it, you are also just washing out and depleting those micronutrients more. For excessive workouts (intensity and/or longer than 40 minutes), workouts in the heat, or the like, add in an electrolyte. BUT watch those packets for added sugars and make sure they have sodium, potassium, and magnesium… not just one of them. 
  • Also, shoot for ½ the ounces of weight in pounds you are. So if I weighed 150lbs I would need at least 75 ounces for a normal day. Add in 8 ounces for every 30-60 minutes of activity too depending on the intensity level. 


  • Recovery is a time where proper nutrition is essential. Protein sources are required to rebuild muscle tissue and to supply the building blocks for various cells, tissues, enzymes, and hormones. Depending on how often you train during the week, protein recommendations can range from .08 to 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.
  • Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are muscles’ major source of energy; therefore, eating carbohydrates is essential at refueling your body’s glycogen stores. Your body refuels glycogen at a higher rate within 3.0 to 60 minutes post workout so it’s important to consume a post workout snack or shake during this time. It has also been shown that including a small amount of protein in this snack speeds up the rebuilding and recovery process.
  • Eat a post workout snack that contains roughly 50 grams of carbohydrates and 30 grams of protein. A well-balanced meal should be consumed roughly 2 hours post workout to continue the recovery process.
  • A great and easy way to do this is to make a protein shake using the rule of 5:
    • Protein Shake
      • Ingredients (one serving)- Follow the Rule of 5
        • 1c. Liquid (almond milk, low fat milk, coconut milk)
        • Handful Greens (spinach or kale – I love frozen chopped spinach)
        • 1c. Fiber (Berries, cherries, banana, apple, tropical fruits, canned pumpkin, etc)
        • 20-30g/one scoop Protein (plant or whey based – look for one with 10g or less of carbs per serving)
        • 1 TBSP Healthy Fat (Chia seeds, flax seeds, nut butters, avocado)
      • Directions
        • Blend over ice and enjoy.
      • Extras
        • I love to make two or three of these for a day. I will just put in extra ice when I blend them, and then take them in a cooler bag for after workout and usually my lunch. This is a complete meal and is fun to play around with. 
        • Sometimes I will add almond, pumpkin spice, vanilla, or coconut extract. I love to add cinnamon or even some stevia drops to change up flavors


  • Massage from a therapist or self-massage AKA self myofascial release (SMR) with foam rollers, massage sticks and even baseballs can reduce muscle stiffness, promote circulation and induce a state of relaxation in the muscle. It might be painful during, but SMR can be performed the night of a hard workout to remove scar tissue, adhesions in the muscle and restrictions in the fascia (a type of connective tissue that wraps around the whole body).
  • Gently roll a baseball or massage stick over all major muscle groups until you find a sensitive spot. Apply direct pressure until the pain dissipates. Roll over the muscle again and repeat if necessary. Even if massage doesn’t speed up recovery, it might make you feel better compared to not getting massaged in the first place.


There is a fine line between overtraining and a healthy lifestyle. Many (especially women who have an innate desire to feel confident and beautiful) have no clue how much they actually are overtraining. 

You can overtrain by hitting it too hard in the gym as a beginner. Don’t ever think that the inability to sit on the toilet because you’re sore is a good thing. No go hard or go home mentality here. You can also over train by training too long, too heavy, and too often. 

Symptoms of overtraining are mainly in three categories: performance, physiological, and psychological

  • Performance
    • Decreasing in stats
    • Early onset of fatigue during workouts
    • Slowed or delayed recovery
    • Not scheduling rest
    • Not able to lose weight even with extended workout sessions or even gaining in spite of being spot on in nutrition
  • Physiological
    • Feeling sore for extended periods of time
    • Increase in injuries
    • Always getting or feeling sick
    • Increase in Resting Heart Rate
    • Feeling low energy and fatigue all the time
    • Not sleeping well
  • Psychological 
    • Impatient
    • Irritable
    • Mood swings
    • Large dips in motivation, enthusiasm, and drive
    • Difficulty concentrating

Tips to help overtraining and balance your hormones better – decrease your lifting days, switch up your workout routines, decrease the amount of time in the gym, get more sleep, and make sure you are getting the correct micronutrients. 

#31 – Applying the Thought Model

Last episode, #30, we introduced you to the Thought Model CTFAR as seen here:

You will want to listen to that episode before hitting this one so you know about the ins and outs of each of the 5 areas in the model. Because in this episode we work on how to apply this model and then change it to get the results in your life.

We’d love to dive deeper with you into this model. We offer a 30 min no pressure mini coaching session to anyone interested in changing their thoughts to get better results! Click below to sign up and get contacted on how and when.

#30 – Rewrite Your Thoughts

Looking for specific results in your life or getting results you aren’t satisfied with? You’ll definitely want to listen to this podcast. We are discussing the model from Brooke Castillo that I use in my coaching. It truly is the magic sauce to every problem or result you want to have. CTFAR for the WIN! Listen to learn more.

We talk about an emotion wheel during this cast. Click below to get the free download. Like I said in the podcast, I love to use this to decode what I am really feeling and I use it for my kids too!

Thank you for listening. Because of you, we keep this podcast up and running. We would love to know what you think about the podcast and you can share that with us below in the comments.

#29 – Fence Posts

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Along with the last episode we add another tool for you to help create and live a life you love. Today we are talking about fence posts. Want to know how this all ties in? Give it a listen below.

We love conversation and comments, and personally respond to each one I receive. I would love to know about my listeners and why you are listening. Drop me a comment where and how you are listening.

And if you want more of what we offer to increase your tools to manage and see life, sign up for our weekly wisdom right on our homepage. Click below!

#28 – What’s Your Focus

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We ask the questions, what are you choosing to see or unsee? Is it what you’d like to see in your life? Do you see lots of negative in your life? Did you know the good stuff is already there and you can easily see it with a simple shift in your gaze? We teach you how on today’s podcast.

We are diving into our focus with a great football test my girls and I saw on a show the other night.  A good example of it can be found by clicking here.  Our brain is extremely smart and will only see what is important. It is wired to forget or unsee what isn’t.  The best part? You get to choose what you want to see!

Our courses are open for enrollment! We have some great individual ones open in personal training and in life coaching. Check us out by clicking below and thanks for joining us today! We are happy to answer and questions or comments you may have. Leave them below and give us a rating on itunes too 🙂 Thanks!


#27 – Abundance Mindset

Image result for abundance mind

On today’s podcast, I am giving you a look at a class we teach in our online mind + body training courses. It is on the abundance mindset. We truly create our reality by the thoughts and words we use and creating a sense of abundance or that abundance mindset will help us be happy and healthier!

If you love this insight into our classes, you can learn about the courses we offer with the link below. We have individual coaching and group coaching sessions happening.