Bonus episode: Macros class with magnolia fit

I had the best opportunity to connect with the members of Magnolia Fit to teach them something that is dear to my heart, nutrition. If you have been with me a while, you’ll know that I was a female nutrition coach for ten years before I jumped over to work with my husband. If you didn’t know, now you do.

I am obsessed with women’s health and happiness. Most of our leadership tools were created because of the tools we use in nutrition and exercise. They overlap a lot.

This is an intro to macros class, but also a look at how I view and teach nutrition in my coaching. It may be a gem in the middle of all this leadership stuff 🙂

If you want to know more about Magnolia Fit, check them out here, and maybe watch for them in an upcoming episode of the podcast!!!

If you are interested in following along in the slides, check them out here so you can do your own calculations:

cravings, temptations, + appetite challenges

A PreMenstrual Disorder Perspective Podcast to help women know that health is personal and possible. Like, share, and subscribe for more. @adagiofit on IG

***Note: these thoughts are in no way to replace your physician. If you have questions, please consult your doctor and professionals for direction before you make any changes in your health. I am not a doctor, just a coach. Also, these podcast may contain information that is sensitive in nature and might be triggering. Please listen with caution. Thank you.***

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Cravings, temptation, and an appetite that just won’t seem to go away. These are some of the biggest struggles people have when going through premenstrual disorders.

Broadly speaking, people know which foods are fairly healthy, and which aren’t so healthy. And, when dieting, these people want to lose weight; that’s the reason they’re dieting, after all.

So, they know what they want to achieve, and roughly know which foods they should be eating. So why are long term success rates so low?

It’s because cravings, temptation, and your appetite eventually wear you down. Once the initial motivation you had begins to wane, it becomes harder to resist these. Your brain doesn’t want you to lose weight.

In an evolutionary sense, food was scarce. So, a drive to eat meant greater chances of survival and therefore passing on your genes. The difference now is that food is not scarce. In fact, it’s abundant. We are surrounded by high-calorie, high-reward food, but we still have a brain geared towards survival in a very different environment. This mismatch is a key reason why dieting is so hard.

Remove temptation from your environment

Clear out tempting foods, don’t keep them in the house. If it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind. If this isn’t feasible because you live with others and they won’t accept you throwing out the junk, then hide tempting foods instead. Keep them in separate cupboards, away from the ones you usually use. Keep them in opaque containers so you can’t see them. It’s amazing how small changes like this can have a big impact on our behavior.

You want to make it harder to eat unhealthy foods. Our brain wants to minimize effort, so increase the effort it takes to make poor choices. For example, having to go to the shops to buy a chocolate bar is a lot more effort than just picking it out of the snack drawer.

Willpower is like a muscle, you can only use it a certain amount of times before it’s weakened. So, don’t rely on willpower. Instead, alter your environment so you don’t need to use willpower every time you enter the kitchen.

Create an environment that supports your goals, not one that sabotages them.

2. Separate eating from other activities

Eat at the dinner table. Don’t eat while watching the TV, or while scrolling through your phone. You want to minimize distractions that take you away from the experience of eating.

Eat slowly. Separating eating from other activities will naturally allow you to slow down, focus on your food, and be more mindful when eating. You will feel more full and satisfied after eating in this way.

If you stop eating while watching the TV, for example, your brain stops associating food with these activities. If you’re used to watching TV in the evening with a few biscuits, you’ll find you start to think about biscuits when you sit down in front of the TV. Your brain has learned that evening TV = biscuit time and will urge you, through cravings, to continue this habit.

If you separate these activities, your brain stops associating them. If you have a rule that you don’t eat in front of the TV, the effort required to get a snack and sit at the table without your phone or TV means you’re unlikely to do it unless you’re truly hungry. 

Again, it comes down to increasing the effort required to make poor dietary choices.

3. Stop snacking

Controversial, right? You don’t have to stop it completely, but I would recommend focusing on full meals first and foremost.

Snacking throughout the day, without having full meals, can lead to what I call the Not-Quite Cycle™. This is when you spend your whole day being not-quite hungry between meals, and not-quite satisfied after meals. This sucks.

Snack foods are typically easy to over eat and don’t fill you up. Think crisps, sweets, chocolate and other processed, packaged snack foods. You’d be better off saving these calories for a filling, nutritious meal.

If you do snack, choose things like fruit and plain yoghurt. These are minimally-processed, highly satiating, and therefore hard to overeat.

4. Limit hyper-palatable foods

Hyper-palatable just means tasty and easy to overeat. A combination of fat/salt/sugar is often what makes foods hyper-palatable. These types of food rarely occur naturally, and so are often highly-processed and calorie-dense.

Your brain get familiar with these tastes and that’s how cravings develop. Even protein bars, fiber one bars, and other ‘low calorie’ or ‘healthy’ snacks would still fall into this category. That’s not at all to say you can’t include them in your diet. But, if you’re someone who struggles with your appetite and cravings, it may be wise to forego them.

5. Prioritize high satiety, minimally-processed whole foods

These are foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, potatoes, fish, eggs, wholegrains, beans and legumes, oats, and plain yoghurt.

These foods are hard to overeat. They are often less-calorie dense, higher protein, and higher fiber, meaning they are highly satiating and therefore, you’re unlikely to over-consume them.

6. Don’t allow hunger to become extreme

Intermittent fasting is a useful tool but it’s not magic, and it’s not for everyone. You need to find what works for you. If you can happily skip breakfast and have lunch as your first meal, go for it. But, if trying to fast leads you to overeat later in the day, then don’t do it! I can’t believe I have to say this, but I do. Again, it’s not magic, it’s just one method. – if it doesn’t work for you, try a different method.

Spreading your meals evenly throughout the day can help to keep you hunger levels under control, and prevent you falling into the Not-Quite Cycle™, or restricting to the point where you end up overeating.

7. Consult your future self

This is a psychological technique called episodic future-thinking. It involves removing yourself from the present moment, and thinking about how this decision is going to affect you in the future. 

Remember your goals, the reasons why you’re dieting, and the hard work you’ve put in so far. Ask yourself this question: “would my future self thank me for the decision I’m about to make?”

If you’re following the 6 previous strategies, then your cravings will be more like an occasional whisper, rather than a persistent chatter. Consulting your future self can allow you to look at the big picture, and make the right decision for you.

Here’s a quick recap of the eight strategies to manage your appetite:

Remove temptation from your environment

Separate eating from other activities

Stop snacking

Limit hyper-palatable foods

Priorities minimally-processed whole foods

Don’t allow hunger to become too extreme

Consult your future self

Manage your stress and sleep

Following this advice could be the difference between reaching your goals or not. Read it, understand it, implement it. Words mean nothing if you don’t put it into action. So, give yourself a checklist of action points to take away from this article, and it could change your life for the better.

Can Hormones Cause Dizziness?

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A PreMenstrual Disorder Perspective Podcast to help women know that health is personal and possible. Like, share, and subscribe for more. @adagiofit on IG

***Note: these thoughts are in no way to replace your physician. If you have questions, please consult your doctor and professionals for direction before you make any changes in your health. I am not a doctor, just a coach. Also, these podcast may contain information that is sensitive in nature and might be triggering. Please listen with caution. Thank you.***

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Dizziness is a common symptom that can affect people of all ages. It can be caused by a number of things, including changes in hormones.

Hormones are chemical messengers that travel throughout the body and control a variety of functions, including mood, sleep, and reproduction. 

The primary reason for dizziness before your period is due to hormonal changes. Estrogen rises twice during the menstrual cycle — once during the follicular phase and once during the luteal phase. Since one rise in estrogen occurs directly before menstruation, this tends to be the time when you experience dizziness.

As estrogen levels fluctuate, this can affect blood glucose levels. As glucose levels rise and fall, the body’s cells may not receive a steady supply of energy, which can lead to fatigue and dizziness.

Estrogen plays a role in maintaining balance and coordination. When estrogen levels decline, it can affect the way the brain and inner ear communicate, which can lead to dizziness.

Progesterone – Higher blood pressure may cause dizziness. Research suggests that progesterone, which rises in the second half of the menstrual cycle before a period, may change blood pressure.

The prostaglandins are a group of lipids made at sites of tissue damage or infection that are involved in dealing with injury and illness. They control processes such as inflammation, blood flow, the formation of blood clots and the induction of labour.

Anemia, loss of blood

Other symptoms of low estrogen that can contribute to dizziness include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

There are a number of things you can do to help manage dizziness  including:

  • Get regular exercise. Exercise can help improve balance and coordination.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol. These substances can worsen dizziness.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep is important for overall health and well-being, including balance and coordination.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Dehydration can contribute to dizziness.
  • Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet can help improve overall health and well-being, including balance and coordination.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Shoes that fit well can help improve balance.
  • Use a cane or walker if needed. A cane or walker can help you feel more stable and secure.
  • If you experience dizziness, sit or lie down until it passes. Do not drive or operate machinery if you are dizzy.

If you are concerned about dizziness, talk to your doctor. They can help you determine the cause of your dizziness and recommend treatment options.

In addition to the above, there are a number of medications that can be used to treat dizziness. These medications work by affecting the way the brain and inner ear communicate.

If you are experiencing dizziness, it is important to see a doctor to determine the cause of your dizziness and get the appropriate treatment.

Supplements for Exercise – Electrolytes, BCAAs, EAAs, + PreWorkout

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Today, we’re going to be talking about electrolytes, BCAAs, and preworkout supplements. These are all popular supplements that are used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts to improve their performance and recovery. But we will also hit on how they can effect hormones


You can shop at Redmond to purchase the electrolytes I swear by, with a discount by clicking here. (I do get a kickback with your purchase and need to disclose that)

Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electrical charge. They are essential for many bodily functions, including muscle contraction, nerve conduction, and fluid balance. Electrolytes can be lost through sweat, urine, and vomiting. When you lose electrolytes, you may experience symptoms such as fatigue, muscle cramps, and dizziness.

The main electrolytes in the body are:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphate

Electrolytes are found in many foods and drinks, including:

  • Sports drinks
  • Fruit juices
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Whole grains
  • Vegetables

If you are concerned that you may be losing electrolytes, talk to your doctor. They can help you determine if you need to supplement your electrolytes and can recommend a safe and effective way to do so.

Here are some of the benefits of electrolytes:

  • Maintaining fluid balance: Electrolytes help to keep the body’s fluids in balance. This is important for many bodily functions, including blood pressure regulation and organ function.
  • Conducting nerve impulses: Electrolytes help to conduct nerve impulses throughout the body. This is important for muscle movement, heart function, and other bodily functions.
  • Contracting muscles: Electrolytes help to contract muscles. This is important for movement, breathing, and other bodily functions.
  • Maintaining a healthy pH balance: Electrolytes help to maintain a healthy pH balance in the blood. This is important for preventing acidosis and alkalosis.

If you are not getting enough electrolytes, you may experience symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Seizures
  • Coma

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

Electrolytes can be replaced through diet, supplements, or intravenous (IV) fluids. If you are experiencing symptoms of electrolyte imbalance, it is important to talk to your doctor to determine the best way to replace your electrolytes.

Here are some tips for getting enough electrolytes:

  • Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially sports drinks and water.
  • Avoid excessive sweating, which can lead to electrolyte loss.
  • If you are taking medications that can cause electrolyte loss, talk to your doctor about how to prevent this.


Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are three essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. These amino acids are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAAs are used for muscle growth and repair. They can also help to reduce muscle soreness and fatigue.

BCAAs are found in protein-rich foods, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. They can also be taken as a supplement.

BCAAs are metabolized in the muscles, rather than in the liver. This means that they can provide a quick source of energy for muscles during exercise. BCAAs also help to prevent muscle breakdown during exercise.

In addition to their role in muscle growth and repair, BCAAs may also have other health benefits. For example, BCAAs may help to improve mood, reduce stress, and protect against muscle wasting.

The recommended daily intake of BCAAs for adults is 5 grams per day. However, some people may need to take more BCAAs, depending on their individual needs.

BCAAs are generally safe for most people to take. However, some people may experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you experience any side effects, stop taking BCAAs and talk to your doctor.

If you are considering taking BCAAs, it is important to talk to your doctor first. They can help you determine if BCAAs are right for you and can help you develop a safe and effective plan for taking them.

Here are some of the benefits of BCAAs:

  • Increased muscle growth: BCAAs are essential for muscle growth and repair. They can help to increase the rate of muscle protein synthesis and reduce muscle protein breakdown.
  • Reduced muscle soreness: BCAAs can help to reduce muscle soreness after exercise. They do this by reducing inflammation and pain.
  • Improved athletic performance: BCAAs can help to improve athletic performance by increasing energy levels, reducing fatigue, and improving muscle function.
  • Improved mood: BCAAs may help to improve mood by reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Reduced muscle wasting: BCAAs may help to reduce muscle wasting in people who are ill or who are recovering from surgery.

If you are looking for a way to improve your muscle growth, reduce muscle soreness, or improve your athletic performance, BCAAs may be a good option for you. However, it is important to talk to your doctor before taking BCAAs, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.


EAAs stands for essential amino acids. These are amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own and must be obtained from food or supplements. There are nine essential amino acids:

  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine

What do EAAs do?

EAAs are used for a variety of bodily functions, including:

  • Building and repairing muscle tissue
  • Producing hormones and enzymes
  • Regulating blood sugar levels
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Protecting against muscle wasting
  • Reducing stress and anxiety

How can I get EAAs?

EAAs can be obtained from a variety of foods, including:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Nuts
  • Seeds

EAAs can also be taken as a supplement. There are many different EAA supplements available, including powders, capsules, and drinks.

How much EAAs do I need?

The recommended daily intake of EAAs for adults is 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight. However, some people may need more EAAs, depending on their individual needs.

Are there any side effects of EAAs?

EAAs are generally safe for most people to take. However, some people may experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you experience any side effects, stop taking EAAs and talk to your doctor.

If you are considering taking EAAs, it is important to talk to your doctor first. They can help you determine if EAAs are right for you and can help you develop a safe and effective plan for taking them.

Preworkout supplements

What are preworkout drinks and powders?

Preworkout drinks and powders are dietary supplements that are designed to help you perform better during your workouts. They typically contain a combination of caffeine, creatine, and other ingredients. Preworkout supplements can help to increase energy, focus, and strength. They can also help to reduce fatigue.

How do preworkout drinks and powders work?

The ingredients in preworkout drinks and powders work in a variety of ways to help you perform better during your workouts. Caffeine is a stimulant that can help to increase energy levels and improve focus. Creatine is a compound that can help to increase muscle mass and strength. Other ingredients in preworkout drinks and powders may include beta-alanine, L-arginine, and L-citrulline. These ingredients can help to improve blood flow to the muscles, which can lead to increased performance.

Are preworkout drinks and powders safe?

Preworkout drinks and powders are generally safe for most people to take. However, some people may experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you experience any of these side effects, stop taking preworkout drinks and powders and talk to your doctor.

Are preworkout drinks and powders effective?

There is some evidence that preworkout drinks and powders can be effective in improving athletic performance. However, more research is needed to determine the long-term safety and effectiveness of these supplements.

How to choose a preworkout drink or powder

If you are considering taking a preworkout drink or powder, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Your fitness goals: What are you hoping to achieve with your workouts? If you are looking to build muscle, you will need a different preworkout than if you are looking to lose weight.
  • Your experience level: If you are new to working out, you may want to start with a lower-dose preworkout. As you become more experienced, you can gradually increase the dose.
  • Your health: If you have any health conditions, talk to your doctor before taking a preworkout.

How to take a preworkout drink or powder

Preworkout drinks and powders should be taken 30-60 minutes before your workout. Follow the instructions on the label carefully.

Here are some tips for taking preworkout drinks and powders safely:

  • Start with a low dose: If you are new to preworkout drinks and powders, start with a low dose and gradually increase the dose as needed.
  • Don’t take preworkout on an empty stomach: Eat a light meal or snack before taking preworkout.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout.
  • Listen to your body: If you experience any side effects, stop taking preworkout and talk to your doctor.

Electrolytes, BCAAs, and preworkout supplements can all offer a number of benefits for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. However, it is important to use these supplements safely and to talk to your doctor before using them.

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Female Hormone Harmony

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Today, we’ll talk about how to keep your female hormones in harmony.

There are a number of things you can do:

  • Eating a healthy diet. A healthy diet is important for overall health and well-being, and it’s especially important for keeping your hormones in balance. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods are rich in nutrients that support hormone health.
  • Getting regular exercise. Exercise is another important way to keep your hormones in balance. Exercise helps to regulate the production of hormones, and it can also help to reduce stress levels. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
  • Managing stress. Stress can have a negative impact on hormone levels. If you’re feeling stressed, try to find ways to relax and de-stress. Exercise, yoga, and meditation are all great ways to manage stress.
  • Getting enough sleep. Sleep is essential for hormone production and regulation. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  • Avoiding toxins. Toxins, such as those found in cigarette smoke, alcohol, and processed foods, can disrupt hormone balance. If you want to keep your hormones in balance, it’s important to avoid these toxins.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of hormone imbalance:

  • Irregular periods
  • Heavy or light periods
  • Painful periods
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Hair loss
  • Skin problems
  • Sleep problems
  • Sexual problems

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor. They can help you to identify the cause of your symptoms and recommend treatment options.

Here are some of the most common causes of hormone levels to be in dissonance:

  • Age: Hormone levels naturally decline as we age.
  • Stress: Stress can disrupt hormone production and regulation.
  • Diet: A diet that is high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can contribute to hormone imbalance.
  • Lack of exercise: Exercise helps to regulate hormone production.
  • Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid problems, can cause hormone imbalance.
  • Medications: Some medications, such as birth control pills, can disrupt hormone balance.

If you are concerned about your hormone levels, talk to your doctor. They can order blood tests to measure your hormone levels and help you to determine the cause of your symptoms. Remember that hormone testing is a one time thing but female bodies are in constant flux with hormone levels in your body. 

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One on One coaching and small group coaching sessions are starting to open up. Reach out for a free consultation to get started working on your health.

Want Health Success? 2000 Calories may not be your answer

Counting calories is a great strategy when trying to lose, maintain or gain weight, but the question is how many should you be working towards?

How many calories should you eat?

Counting Calories with A Trainer can help you have better success towards your goals at Adagio FIT
Counting Calories with A Trainer can help you have better success towards your goals

One size definitely does not fit all when it comes to determining your caloric needs. Some of the factors you need to consider are:

  • Age: Calorie needs peak around age 25, and then start to decline by about two percent every 10 years. An aging body replaces muscle with fat, which burns fewer calories than muscle so if you aren’t using an exercise regime and other healthy lifestyle habits to keep muscle, your caloric needs will also from those that are. 
  • Gender: Generally, a man’s calorie level is five to ten percent higher than a woman’s! The exception is during pregnancy and breastfeeding women can need more. But male biochemistry normally has less body fat and a higher percentage of muscle mass.
  • Metabolism: Everyone has a minimum number of calories needed to maintain vital functions. This is your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Certain medical conditions, medications, and your gender can affect your BMR. In our nutrition coaching we help you figure your BMR correctly. 
  • Genetic blueprint: If you have a metabolic disease (e.g., hypothyroidism), factor it in. If you have hormone disorders (e.g., PCOS, PMDD, endometriosis, hashimotos), factor those in. There are SO many ways our genes can affect your calorie needs and a certified coach can help you incorporate these in well. 
  • Body shape and athletic shape you’re in: These affect a number of calories you need. Did you know there are different body types that burn more calories or hold onto calories more? It is important to look at that and how much you exercise right now too, which is next. 
  • Activity level: The type, length, and intensity of exercise all affect how many calories you’ll burn.

On average a female can eat between 1,800 and 2,200 calories per day to maintain her current weight. A male can eat between 2,200 and 2,600 calories. These figures are based on men and women between the ages of 30 to 50 who have a BMI of 22 to 23 (a normal weight). But that number can then vary greatly taking in the above factors and more!

All calories aren’t created equal

A calorie is defined as a unit of energy supplied by food. One calorie is one calorie regardless of its source (e.g., carbohydrate, fat, or protein). But how calories are digested, absorbed, stored, and burned differs.

A good example of this is 100 cals of broccoli vs 100 cals of oreos (a classic example I use in coaching). Broccoli is nutrient dense with lots of natural vitamins, minerals, and prebiotics. Plus due to its unprocessed nature, it has strong building blocks for your body building. On the opposite side of that is our 100 cals of oreos – synthetic and made for you to not just eat one, but to eat the whole sleeve and still feel wanting. 

Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins along with healthy fats to keep your weight in check and help you to stay healthy and honestly, eat less calories overall because most nutrient dense foods that are less processed are high in volume.  

Losing or maintaining weight

If you’re looking to lose weight or maintain your weight, you ought to consider your blood sugar levels and therefore eat 4-6 times a day. This can also keep your metabolism (what uses up your calories) running. Eating 4-6x a day can make it so you don’t get “hangy” and overeat at your next meal. 

Counting calories

Adagio FIT teaches a pyramid of nutrition and on the base of the pyramid is mindfulness. With that mindfulness comes awareness of where we are currently at. So in order to know that, we track our intake of calories and then use that as a starting point to then work towards your goals. 

Eating too much or too little

Interestingly enough, you can eat too little and not get results. Be sure to eat enough calories when trying to lose weight. Sometimes people restrict too much, which will slow metabolism, hinder weight loss, and actually make you gain weight. 

So how much do you need to eat? Hopefully you know now that it can differ for everyone at any time. Adagio FIT would love to help you calculate your needs. There are so many options for calculating caloric needs. 

You can calculate them yourself with a website like this one but it can be a really bad reflection of what you need if the calculator doesn’t consider the factors we talked about above. 

You can get a macro count session with or without coaching with Adagio FIT or you can dive deep and do a package of nutrition coaching to learn all the whys of your body. It will be an education about you that will serve you for a lifetime.

The Tuning Forks

There’s a quote that says it takes four weeks for you to see a difference, 8 weeks for close friends to see a difference, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to see a difference. This quote hones in on something that’s been on my mind.

a health coach can help you hold a high vibration

About 150% of the time (no kidding) when I have a health coaching client who is doing really well they hit an interesting roadblock. The roadblock comes because when you make changes and others notice, others think that it is now their job to give you input about this change. Usually the input comes when we change because others become uncomfortable because they liked the old you or behaviors, or because they are curious towards your success and they want the same for themselves.

What usually happens with my clients though is that they do great until people start making comments and then, when people start making comments, it makes them uncomfortable and these clients have a revert to past behaviors to soothe this discomfort. So as a health coach, working with my female clients, we have to start learning how to be uncomfortable with other people being uncomfortable and voicing that discomfort. 

I don’t know if you know about a tuning fork, but when you use a tuning fork on, let’s say, a rock and hit it, the tuning fork will play a vibration/note according to that rock. If you were to take a second tuning fork and hit another rock that second tuning fork would play the note of that second rock. Now this is where things get interesting. If both of those tuning forks are playing those notes/vibrations at the same time eventually the one tuning fork will change its note to match the other tuning fork. And then they will play together.

What does this have to do with health?

When you make changes in your health you are changing your vibration. It may have been low but you have raised it with new habits and applied knowledge. You could have lost 10 pounds or are cleaning up your diet. You could have been going to the gym when you used to be very sedentary. When you hold that vibration long enough other people will notice that your vibration is different. 

Everybody else in the world also holds a vibration. You could also call it a vibe or energy. When two vibrations meet and they are not on the same note, one vibration will need to change to meet the other in order to soothe the dissonance. 

So the question is, who is going to change their vibration? And the second question is, how long can one hold out for the other to change?

It is a lot easier for those who are trying out a new vibration in life like becoming more healthy to drop down into their previous vibration. An example of this could be when a mom goes to wake up their kids in the morning. The mom’s happy to see her kids but her kids wake up ornery. She has tried to change her vibration by being happy but their vibration is low. So what happens? The mom drops her vibration to the kids’ vibration and starts yelling at them instead to get out of bed.

So what would have happened if the mom would have kept up her vibration? Well after a certain couple of minutes when the kids have really woken up they will probably raise their vibration to be happy and then they will continue on their morning in a happy positive way.

Here are some personal examples, because these vibration dissonances are happening all the time in our lives:

When I started my health journey I started having a protein shake everyday. My husband gave me a hard time at first saying how gross it looked, and continued in his own vibration of old habits. I held onto my new habit, and about five years later, he had a protein shake.He’s had one almost every day since.

On the flip side of that I was trying to level up my eating game this past year and went on a family vacation with my extended family. When we got to our destination together, the first meal that was offered was not something that was on my meal plan. I was so tired and worn out from traveling, and even though I knew it wasn’t on plan. I ate that meal. It caused a domino effect. The whole trip ended up with me moving back to expected vibrations because I was weak and dropped mine one time. That’s all it took. One time. I dropped my vibration down to what it used to be in many ways besides just my meal plan – from moods, to comments, to birth order roles and expectations. I’m sure you can relate to this. I am not proud of that vacation this past year.  

Even after a couple of months since the trip, I don’t look at that vacation very fondly. I wasn’t true to myself and I didn’t keep promises to myself. I also didn’t hold off long enough for my family to raise their vibration because I was scared of what they would think of me or the comments that they would make. 

I didn’t remember, but I want you to remember that when others comment about you, it is a direct reflection of them, not you. It is their noticing your vibration has changed and they feel that dissonance. It is their way of trying to regain control of the feelings they are having. 

When you get to that point in your health journey of people making comments, be it family, friends, neighbors, etc, check into your vibration. Ask yourself if you would like to drop your vibration back down to where others will feel comfortable and your habits were the ones that didn’t get you to a good place, or would you like to keep your new vibration long enough for others to meet your vibration and for you to continue to feel proud of the work you’ve done? 

That is what you are in control of. Hold that vibration. 

What are ways to keep that vibration strong? 

Honestly, I see the greatest strength come in numbers. Accountability with friends or a coach like me is a great way to hold strong. I meet with my clients to coach once a week and then also have check-ins. But my clients can text me anytime if it is an emergency. That is part of why you need a coach. That cheerleader and coach rooting you on and keeping your high vibration with you. Friends or other family can also do this for you, but tend to also be emotionally bias, so beware of that. 

Second is to be honest with those around you. Don’t skirt about the issue. It isn’t their cooking! And even if it was, you are working with your body and mind to level up. When we state out loud what we are working on, we gain strength from new places. It is empowering.

Third, feel free to take some time. Sometimes I need to excuse myself to the bathroom to take a quick minute to check my intentions and habits. You could retreat to your room and do some breathing exercises. Putting space between the action and reaction is helpful. This time also helps you stay present and mindful. 

As we head into holidays there will be lots of people who have worked really hard to change their vibration. They have new habits and new lifestyles and maybe a new shape that they are taking back to old energies. Does the term “falling off the bandwagon” ring a bell? That is losing your new vibration and dropping down to expected old ones. 

If you really don’t want to come out of the holidays like that, consider setting up a free consultation with me and see if we are a good fit to coach together. I want health for you in body + mind. I am ready for you to take on this new vibration and can be that strength you need as you learn a new lifestyle and go through the learning process 🙂 

Fill out the form linked below to get the coaching ball rolling. Those holidays are barreling in fast.

The Break Up with Sugar Part 2

After posting the last post, I was surprised and happy to hear how this resonated with so many of you. Breaking up with sugar was something you have either thought about or are putting into practice. I did, however, get some questions that I would like to answer in this post, the second in the Breakup with Sugar Series. 

Photo by FOODISM360 on Unsplash

First question I had gotten. What do you define as sugar?

I think how this “breakup” can be defined is mainly left up to who is choosing how to break up. It could be a break up where you go pretty much “KETO” eating only proteins and fats with minimal veggies and fruits. Or it could go to only candy and the “breakup” isn’t necessarily about ALL sugars. As your coach I would ask you how you want that to look like for you right now. What can you leave out that won’t “rock your world” or make you feel “deprived” because if you feel that way, your choice isn’t a lifestyle you can sustain.

Sugars are found in pretty much everything we eat. Not only are we bombarded with sweets (cookies, cakes, candy, sodas, chocolates, ice creams, etc) but then there are ADDED sugars in SO many items in the grocery store (like 99% of grocery items). But there are also natural sugars found in anything with a carbohydrate – from breads to fruits to even veggies because carbohydrates are essentially sugars. 

However, our bodies use different kinds of sugars in different ways. So they may all be calories (another word for energy) but the different sugars will leave different results. An oreo is going to affect your body differently than a pear. 

Sugar from the Oxford Dictionary is defined as:


  1. a sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants, especially sugar cane and sugar beet, consisting essentially of sucrose, and used as a sweetener in food and drink.

Our bodies are GEARED for sugar – it was a mechanism for survival before the years and technological advancements in food. But with these advancements, we aren’t in life threatening danger anymore. In fact, humans eat about 700 more calories a day than they did 60 years ago. But also our obesity rate has risen exponentially during that same time. Why? Because of what we are choosing to put in our bodies. Yes, you are in charge. 

Why do we love sugar so much outside of survival? 

  • It makes food taste good – most processed foods HAVE to add in sugar (and salt/sodium) to make the food they processed taste good to our pallet
  • It is quick energy
  • It is a coping mechanism due to its chemical reaction to our brains = it gives us comfort when in distress
  • It is everywhere and inexpensive

There are simple and complex carbs/sugars…. Those that hit your bloodstream really fast and those that hit it slower. When sugars hit hard and fast, your blood sugar rises quickly, you get a severe dopamine hit to the pleasure center of the brain, insulin is released to cope and then everything drops steeply to levels below where you started, leaving you low energy, depressed, and not satisfied. When you eat a complex carb the spike and hits are less steep and so is the drop. You also tend to stay heightened for longer before your blood sugar drops. Essentially it takes your body longer to digest the complex carbs. 

Coming back to my breakup, I have chosen to define sugar as – all “junk foods or calorie condensed foods in the sweet categories” and as much added sugars as possible are out. With the exception (because moderation in all things) of when my girls bake on the weekend, I can have one serving if I desire. 

Your choice of breakup may look different and that’s okay. I picked these guidelines for a couple of reasons, both personally and scientifically… When your diet consists of too many sugars, testosterone (a hormone) rises and can cause weight gain, hair loss or growth in unwanted areas, and anxiety. Estrogen also rises and progesterone (also hormones) can drop which is called Estrogen dominance and can lead to infertility, PMS symptoms, breast tenderness and irritability. Over time the amount of insulin and sugar pulsing through your veins trying to level eachother out gets exhausted and in excess and can cause massive inflammation – which ALL chronic diseases (arthritis, cancer, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, mood disorders, etc) are caused by inflammation. 

With PMDD I have found that because I am SO sensitive to normal hormonal changes even a small amount of sugar effects will derail my body and mental health for a long time. If I eat, let’s say, a bowl of ice cream (because who ever eats just a scoop), not only will I have a massive headache, but angry digestive issues from stomach all through the intestines from inflammation and I will also get really foggy in my thinking, less emotionally regulated, and I tend to slip into negative thought patterns really fast. If I have too much sugar (which usually happens if I start with one piece, I eat a lot more) my limbs will even buzz with almost a jittery feeling. I sleep awful and can have body dysmorphia too. 

And these things all can happen within an hour of a dessert that has too much for my body. And effects can be lasting long after the sugar rush dies down. 

If I were to eat simple sugars/carbs during my luteal phase (the week before my period) my PMDD and sugar buzz are the perfect storm to crash my ship into a million pieces and my PMDD symptoms can be severe and life threatening. 

What is so crazy and may be scientific or psychological, but it is truly real for me, I do not get these effects from complex carbs – berries, rice, sweet potatoes, whole grains, veggies, other fruits. So I truly do agree with the studies saying different sugars can affect our bodies differently. 

I feel good when I eat right for MY body’s needs today. Period.

So as much as possible, I am saying “nope” to them. However, I mentioned my girls baking. I think that life still needs to be full of memories and making good ones can get us through the bad days. We have decided as a family that if we are going to have sweets, it needs to be something we make from scratch and with love.

***TIP: When coaching my nutrition clients we talk about how if you are going to eat something sweetened – whether that’s yogurt or pasta sauce or cake – it is ALWAYS better to add your own sugar than let a company add it for you. #1 you are in control #2 you can decide what that sweetener is – you could add honey instead of table sugar #3 you know what is going into your food.

In my next post I am going to talk about how to look for sugars (education) and ways to change your food choices (application). 

As with all things, we are creating an awareness through these posts and not rigid rules. Once you create awareness, you will be able to look clearly at your food choices and start to gain questions and curiosity on what your body needs. As with all my clients, take what rings true to you and what sparks the “I need to add that in/take that out” promptings and use them to better your life. One little step at a time. It is a process as always. 

A way you can do that is to make a list of foods that you eat that make you feel good when you eat them… truly energized and content, and food that make you feel guilty or “buzzed” for lack of a better word. I think we all know what those are for us when we are honest. Just keeping a postit note on the fridge and jotting something down after you eat it can help too.

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational and journaling purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Break Up with Sugar – Part 1

Sugar and I had a good go, but it is time to break up. The more I study about it, the more I just can’t have it as a part of my life. I’m going to have to get my joy ride from something else. For 2021 (and I can’t believe I am saying this out loud and on paper FOR-EV-ER in the clouds) that I am going to try my darndest to go the whole year without it. And, from what I’ve studied, it may take up to 5 years, FIVE, to get the cravings to go away. Sheesh… I’m in it for the long haul. But it is imperative that we breakup.

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Not convinced you are ready to say goodbye to your best friend who always has your back, even though you know that they aren’t doing you good? I get that. It is a sneaky one and an addicting one as well. but being open to this idea may help you create some awareness around your body and diet and you may be able to start some simple changes to help your health. 

Here are just some of the main ways sugar affects your body. Definitely a big list and seriously not even the tip of the iceberg….

  • First off, sugar messes with your energy regulation. No one needs energy drops. Eating sugar alone can be an issue too so pair it with a protein and small amount of healthy fat to sustain and regulate energy better. 
  • Sugar can mess with your brain’s ability to regulate. When you eat sugar, you can get the same rush of endorphins that can be equal or even greater than a hit of cocaine to the pleasure center of the brain. And next time, in order to get the same degree of rush, you must eat more sugar. If you are an emotional eater, this could cause a problem with consuming sweets to “feel better.” 
  • Studies are showing that too much sugar leads to higher depression in adults. One of the main thoughts on this is that sugar can give you a burst of energy, but when that energy runs through your body, you body may drop to an even lower state of mood and energy than before. So think twice about hitting up for that mid-afternoon slump. Witching hour anyone? But also sugar decreases and interferes neurotransmitter effectiveness in your brain due to… you guessed it, inflammation of the brain on sugar.
  • We all know that sugar can rot your gorgeous smile, even if you brush your teeth, your saliva can hold more sugary goodness long after you eat it.
  • Did you know that sugar can also cause joint aches and pains? Yep. Sugar is an inflammatory, dare I say, DRUG. With that inflammation your joints cannot work in full range of motion and you are more likely to cause injury to them. Too much sugar over time is also linked to rheumatoid arthritis. Yikes!
  • Inflammation just doesn’t happen in your joints, it can also happen on your skin… hello acne AND wrinkles! We definitely don’t wait to age faster for any reason but that is what sugar is going to do to your skin due to the loss of elasticity because of how sugar reacts with the collagen in your skin. You will get acne because the inflammation causes the fatty layer of your skin to produce more oil and your pores cannot keep up so they get clogged. 
  • When you eat excess sugar, the extra insulin in your bloodstream can affect the arteries all over your body. It causes their walls to get inflamed (another inflammatory response), grow thicker than normal and more stiff, this stresses your heart and damages it over time. This can lead to heart disease, like heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes.
  • When you eat, your pancreas pumps out insulin to help your blood sugar levels regulate. If you’re eating too much sugar, your body stops responding properly to insulin and regulations. It is on overload. So then your pancreas starts pumping out even more insulin. Eventually, your overworked pancreas will break down and your blood sugar levels will rise, setting you up for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Or even milder symptoms such as bad sleep and heart palpitations… which as a mom, sleep if everything for me!
  • Added and refined sugars in your diet can increase your risk of cancer. Cancer FEEDS on sugar and so does estrogen which can be instrumental in breast cancer is levels get too high or the hormone mutates. 
  • And it can cause weight gain due to the inflammation stress that happens to your body with increased blood sugar levels. Soda is the biggest offender here because of its concentrated and liquid sugar content.
  • AND (maybe the most important lol) it can seriously decrease your sex drive because your blood flow isn’t working properly due to the chemicals and sugar fighting throughout your body. I don’t think we need ANY of that going on. 

For me, having PMDD, eating sugar really messes with my hormone balance and therefore my mood and body image. The times when I have eaten a sugary diet (around the holidays for example or even a “craving week”), my anxiety and disruptive thoughts skyrocket. I don’t necessarily know the science of why but I can only guess that inflammation has a major part in this change. I feel crappy and therefore I act crappy. Super sciency words right there! 

I hate that I don’t sleep well when sugar is a main part of my diet and I feel like I can’t be a good teacher and coach being sluggish. Everything is so connected in my body (and yours) that removing sugar is going to help in SO many areas as I talked about above. 

Check out my next post on ways to limit sugar and a further post on some other ideas about sugar. In the meantime, you can watch this video that was produced a while ago, but still so pertinent to the breakup with sugar…

Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Find it here:

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational and journaling purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***

Thoughts on December

December is always a month that I see numbers drop at all studios I teach at. Never fails. Because of all the “happenings”, attendance drops and I worry about my students and their health. 

At the same time that attendance drops, pounds pile on. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard all about the holiday binge eating and lack of “self control” during these times. Don’t get me wrong, I love food. Food is the key to the soul and speaks to memories and community. It truly is a love language and gathers people. Especially to me. 

With this being said, we need to love ourselves. Most of the time, binging or eating too much comes from our lack of connection to food, connection to the real reason we have gatherings, and our fear of missing out or lack for later. Below are a couple of tips for honoring your relationship with food. 

  1. Slow Down. Take a deep breath and become mindful of the food you are choosing to eat. Be thankful for the bounty of the holidays. 
  2. Get curious. Analyze what you are eating with questions like: Why did I choose to put these foods on my plate? What hints of spices can I taste? What textures are in this and how do they changes as I chew? What could I add or take away that might enhance of change this if I were to make it myself?
  3. Choose foods for health AND fun! It isn’t an either/or event. It is a full event and when you respect, you tend to choose better. 
  4. Plan your treats – if you are going to eat something sweet, be present with it and enjoy every single bite. To be honest, I have learned that most sugar isn’t worth it and there are very few desserts that I love that I am willing to have the headache afterwards. It is a tradeoff and I plan with focus. 
  5. Be present with the people around you. You aren’t there for the food, you are there to have better relationships with others. Ask those around you as many questions as you can and listen with true curiosity to their answers. 
  6. Leftovers… are you hungry, bored, tired, or emotionally wound up? Again, slow down and get curious, go through the same process again. Also, sometimes we also think we are hungry when we really need hydration, so take a drink and wait 10 mins to hit the leftover decision. 

If you are feeling guilt after a celebration, get curious why your relationship with food and your body are not happy. This may lead to some coaching needs that I can help you with. We want to have good holiday memories and your guilt will not help that come to pass. We can work together to overcome that roadblock. Just shoot me an email to set up a time to coach –

To finish my thoughts on the month, There is NO bandwagon, but there is your priority, your values, and your behaviors. Priority changes after certain seasons in life but we choose our outcomes by behaviors meshing with our values. So this month, think about what 3 things you need to accomplish every day to come out of the holiday season feeling the best you can and do something each day that lines up with those three things. Exercise is my #1 – I need it to emotionally stabilize daily (ask my hubby and kids). It is probably one of your top three too. Nutrition is my #2 and creation/productivity is my #3. 

I’d love to know what your top three are! Drop them in the comments below and enjoy your nutritional feast this week!

***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational and journaling purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***