Don’t Be the Mantle Piece

art from

While working out today I listened to a podcast (what’s new) about art. The speaker was talking about how much art/visuals influence our lives and our perceptions about reality. 

He talked about how that can be good or bad for us. But something particular struck me and then shifted my whole perspective on what he was saying. Hear me out and I will link below to the podcast if you want to listen to it. 

He talked about how we portray events in art as our mind pictures them and not what really happened. That this can then distort others idea of what really happened. He specifically talks about President Washington praying in Heisman Trophy stance (you know what I am talking about) and how there isn’t really evidence that he even prayed at all… just that he relied on God. Not a bad thing to portray but maybe not the truthful moment. 

So the speaker then talked about how most art that is painted is “mantle worthy.” That art is made to show the glorious and romanticism so that good feelings are evoked. So the artist in the podcast took on a particular challenge of painting non-mantle pieces. That there is SO much “messy middle” (to quote Brene Brown) that we don’t see. That because we don’t see the messy middle, as humans, we get the notion that we should be experiencing the glorious big. But in reality 99% of the time, there is no BIG and clear, there is mess and muck and perseverance and struggle. 

While this was being talked about, I felt a very strong impression that I needed to create a place where there is not mantle worthy work. That I needed to show the real, the messy, the struggle. 

As I was making my bed yesterday (about the ONLY thing in life I am consistent with 99% of the time, promise), I was crying because I am SO tired of trying to reach goals I see others have set as successful marks and not reaching them.. That I am tired of not loving who I am already (inside and out) and always trying for more. “What a waste of my life” was my thought. I am tired of not being enough. I am tired of feeling like I have to be perfect to share me because then I am not sharing at all. 

My therapist told me the other month that I will never be enough. (It was a shock and kind of painful to hear actually). But he explained that because I am human, these flaws won’t ever go away, meaning I won’t ever be mantle worthy. So why am I trying to live in perfection? Ugh, so true and now I am working hard to shift that paradigm by questioning and being vulnerable. 

Do I really want to be placed on a mantle to gather dust and have all admire me? Honestly, sometimes the answer is yes. It seems like that would be a fantastic resting place and admiration feels good. Also, it is what our society consistently and bombarding shows as success. But most of the time, no I don’t want to be left on the mantle. I LOVE the struggle. I love being among and with others in it, not above or beyond. I love showing people that life is given to LIVE and grow and struggle, not to rest. Gotta fight that mentality we are so often portrayed and told about. 

So this is going to become the place, mixed with articles on how to create health of course, but I want to show how there is no arrival upon the mantle… for any of us.

This will be hard for me! This may be hard for you! I go through some pretty traumatic things with my mental illness. You are welcome to skip those posts, but someday you may come in contact with someone who needs to know they aren’t alone in the messy middle and you can point them to my mess and they can then know how to find the beauty in their own.

The podcast I was listening to is below. Please know that it is Christain based and shares religious views but can be wonderful for all to listen to.

#14 – Supplements for Exercise & PMDD

On podcast #14 (which I thought I was on 13 so forgive me on that when you listen) I chat about medicine and supplementation for PMDD and Exercise. Did you know that all humans are deficient in quite a few nutrients? It makes sense with all the unnatural food we have on the market, rising levels of obesity and mental disorders, and chemicals on our ingredient lists that we cannot even pronounce. But we also don’t go outside as much as our ancestors and we sit for more than 80% of our days now too.

I chat about the medications that have been shown to help PMDD and the regimen that I use them in to help me manage my symptoms and really bad episodes. Take a listen to Episode 10 where I talk about PMDD and what it is.  But besides the medication the supplements I take do double the purpose when they each have a significant part in PMDD and exercise.

For reference those medications for PMDD are:

  • Fluoxetine – common names are prozac and sertraline – Smallest dose to take from ovulation to when my period starts & sometimes I don’t need to take it.
  • Ibuprofen – about the only thing that helps with my cramps and inflammation in tender female areas during my cycle and my digestive system upsets – taken as needed
  • Benzodiazepine – Xanax – this is for sudden onset attacks and I only take this maybe four to six times a year – half a pill – this is a highly addictive drug so use with extreme caution

Supplements that I talk about are the following:

  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B6
  • Turmeric
  • Biotin
  • Omega 3 – Find this on Amare here
  • Chasteberry (Vitex) – Find them on Amazon here

And one that I forgot to mention was the Fundamentals pro and pre biotics from Amare which can be found here! 

***As a final note – I am by no means you or your doctor. I am just sharing what has worked for me. Please be careful in what you choose to supplement with and research for yourself on these! Overdosing can be dangerous. Consult with your physician if you have any questions as well!


Send in your Q&A’s for an upcoming podcast in the comments below and I will answer them on the cast.

June’s Coaching Class

Sign Up for NEXT WEEK’S June Coaching Class on Macros by clicking the photo below –

Finally, Amare Global. I came across this company last month that is directly in line with my business and mission to balance mind and body. They are a mental health and wellness company. I loved their mission but then when I started learning about their products which are all natural and are specifically designed and formulated to help mind and body, I knew this was meant for my body and the PMDD and anxiety I deal with! Then I started thinking about all the other people who I have come in contact with that have anxiety, depression, mental restlessness, and disorders like hashimotos, bipolar, and fibromyalgia that could also benefit from the many different products they offer. What we put into our bodies and the lifestyle we live will directly impact our mental health and Amare is helping people to live with optimal mental health. I haven’t see a company like this yet and I know they are on to the next progression in health and wellness.

Click on the picture below to learn more and see if there is a product that can help you on your physical and mental wellness journey.

Finally, we always love to hear from you! Start a conversation below with a comment or question and enjoy the podcast!

#10- Mental Health with PMDD

May is Mental Health Awareness month so today I am getting vulnerable with you as we talk about PMDD – Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder – a mental illness I was diagnosed with after 20 years of not knowing what was “wrong” with me. PMDD is a hormone-based mental illness that is an uncommon reaction to normal fluctuating hormones. It is not an imbalance of hormones nor is dictated by hormones, but a miscommunication within the brain, specifically the prefrontal cortex, that follows the luteal phase of a menstrual cycle – from ovulation until the period starts. Still such a new disorder with research coming out weekly! Only 2-8% of women experience PMDD and out of that percent only 3% of those have heavy and painful periods. I am that 3%.

I share with you my story and the details of what it is like to live as this illness comes around each month. What happens with in my body and also how the view of my world changes pretty much overnight. PMDD affects me two times a month – during ovulation and then again about 5-7 days before my period starts and lasts until my period starts. So between PMDD and a painful period, I get about 10 days a month feeling amazing. However, with lifestyle changes of diet, exercise, sleep, and planning, I have been able to minimize symptoms to live a good, healthy life and I am usually not crippled by its effects.

There is so much information about PMDD that I couldn’t fit it all into this podcast. If you would like to know more check out the site below or you can also drop me a comment below or email me at and I’d love to listen to your questions, comments, or concerns.