To be a great leader, you need to make sure that you have a strong foundation. Your foundation is built with your beliefs and values.
Beliefs and values are fundamental principles that shape our worldview and guide our actions. Beliefs are convictions or opinions held to be true, while values are deeply held principles that inform our choices and behaviors. They can be personal, cultural, religious, or philosophical.
Beliefs and values are closely intertwined. Our beliefs often influence our values, and our values can shape our beliefs. For example, a belief in equality may lead to a value of fairness, while a value of honesty may be rooted in the belief that truthfulness is important.
Beliefs and values can have a profound impact on our lives. They can influence our relationships, our careers, and our overall well-being. Understanding our own beliefs and values can help us make more informed decisions and live more authentically.
So the question becomes:
Who do you want to be?
Write your Eulogy
A eulogy is a speech or piece of writing that praises a deceased person. It typically reflects on the person’s life, achievements, and impact on others. Eulogies are often delivered at funerals or memorial services to honor the memory of the deceased and provide comfort to their loved ones.
You will write yours as if you have died and you are giving a sketch about your life as defined above.
Now ask yourself if you are taking action to become that person.
Take another minute to write how you feel about that.
Are there things you need to stop doing, start doing, or continue doing?
Women’s Wellness Summit – Saturday, November 16, 2024
The mission of the Women’s Wellness Summit is to amplify women’s voices, impact, and influence through the 8 dimensions of wellness: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, environmental, financial, and occupational.
This Summit brings women, of all seasons of life, together to explore new outlets for their wellness journey.
Outcome goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. They focus on the end result that you want to achieve. Process goals, on the other hand, are more general and focus on the steps that you need to take to achieve your outcome goals.
Outcome goals are important because they give you something to strive for. They help you stay motivated and focused on your target. Process goals are also important because they help you make progress towards your outcome goals. They help you identify what you need to do and how you need to do it.
The best way to set goals is to combine outcome goals and process goals. This will help you stay motivated and on track as you work towards your target.
Here are some examples of outcome goals:
Lose 10 pounds in 2 months.
Run a marathon in 4 hours.
Get a promotion at work.
Here are some examples of process goals:
Eat healthy foods.
Exercise 30 minutes a day.
Take a class to improve your skills.
By combining outcome goals and process goals, you can create a plan that will help you achieve your target.
Outcome goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. They are the end result that you want to achieve. For example, an outcome goal might be to lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks.
Outcome goals are important because they give you something to strive for. They help you to stay motivated and focused on your goals. When you have a clear outcome goal in mind, it’s easier to make decisions and take actions that will help you to achieve it.
Outcome goals can also help you to track your progress. When you know what you’re working towards, it’s easier to see how far you’ve come and how much further you have to go. This can be a great motivator to keep going, even when things get tough.
So, how do you set outcome goals? Here are a few tips:
Make sure your goals are specific. What exactly do you want to achieve?
Make sure your goals are measurable. How will you know when you’ve achieved them?
Make sure your goals are achievable. If your goals are too difficult, you’re more likely to give up.
Make sure your goals are relevant. Are they aligned with your values and priorities?
Make sure your goals are time-bound. When do you want to achieve them by?
Once you’ve set your outcome goals, it’s time to start taking action. Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable steps. This will make them seem less daunting and more achievable.
It’s also important to track your progress. This will help you to stay motivated and on track. There are a number of ways to track your progress, such as keeping a journal, using a goal-tracking app, or simply setting reminders for yourself.
Process goals are the steps that you take to achieve your outcome goal. They are the actions that you need to take in order to reach your desired outcome. For example, a process goal for losing 10 pounds might be to eat healthy foods and exercise regularly.
Process goals are important because they help you to make progress towards your outcome goals. They help you to stay on track and to make sure that you are taking the necessary steps to achieve your desired outcome.
Process goals can also help you to stay motivated. When you see yourself making progress towards your goal, it can be a great motivator to keep going, even when things get tough.
So, how do you set process goals? Here are a few tips:
Break down your outcome goal into smaller, more manageable steps.
Make sure your process goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
Set deadlines for your process goals.
Track your progress towards your goals.
Reward yourself for achieving your process goals.
By following these tips, you can set and achieve your process goals more effectively.
Here are some additional tips for setting and achieving process goals:
Make sure your process goals are aligned with your outcome goals.
Be realistic about what you can achieve.
Don’t be afraid to adjust your process goals as needed.
Don’t give up! Even if you have a setback, keep going.
Thanks for listening to the podcast. I hope this episode has helped you to understand the importance of process goals and how to set and achieve them. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.
***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***
Counting calories is a great strategy when trying to lose, maintain or gain weight, but the question is how many should you be working towards?
How many calories should you eat?
Counting Calories with A Trainer can help you have better success towards your goals
One size definitely does not fit all when it comes to determining your caloric needs. Some of the factors you need to consider are:
Age: Calorie needs peak around age 25, and then start to decline by about two percent every 10 years. An aging body replaces muscle with fat, which burns fewer calories than muscle so if you aren’t using an exercise regime and other healthy lifestyle habits to keep muscle, your caloric needs will also from those that are.
Gender: Generally, a man’s calorie level is five to ten percent higher than a woman’s! The exception is during pregnancy and breastfeeding women can need more. But male biochemistry normally has less body fat and a higher percentage of muscle mass.
Metabolism: Everyone has a minimum number of calories needed to maintain vital functions. This is your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Certain medical conditions, medications, and your gender can affect your BMR. In our nutrition coaching we help you figure your BMR correctly.
Genetic blueprint: If you have a metabolic disease (e.g., hypothyroidism), factor it in. If you have hormone disorders (e.g., PCOS, PMDD, endometriosis, hashimotos), factor those in. There are SO many ways our genes can affect your calorie needs and a certified coach can help you incorporate these in well.
Body shape and athletic shape you’re in: These affect a number of calories you need. Did you know there are different body types that burn more calories or hold onto calories more? It is important to look at that and how much you exercise right now too, which is next.
Activity level: The type, length, and intensity of exercise all affect how many calories you’ll burn.
On average a female can eat between 1,800 and 2,200 calories per day to maintain her current weight. A male can eat between 2,200 and 2,600 calories. These figures are based on men and women between the ages of 30 to 50 who have a BMI of 22 to 23 (a normal weight). But that number can then vary greatly taking in the above factors and more!
All calories aren’t created equal
A calorie is defined as a unit of energy supplied by food. One calorie is one calorie regardless of its source (e.g., carbohydrate, fat, or protein). But how calories are digested, absorbed, stored, and burned differs.
A good example of this is 100 cals of broccoli vs 100 cals of oreos (a classic example I use in coaching). Broccoli is nutrient dense with lots of natural vitamins, minerals, and prebiotics. Plus due to its unprocessed nature, it has strong building blocks for your body building. On the opposite side of that is our 100 cals of oreos – synthetic and made for you to not just eat one, but to eat the whole sleeve and still feel wanting.
Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins along with healthy fats to keep your weight in check and help you to stay healthy and honestly, eat less calories overall because most nutrient dense foods that are less processed are high in volume.
Losing or maintaining weight
If you’re looking to lose weight or maintain your weight, you ought to consider your blood sugar levels and therefore eat 4-6 times a day. This can also keep your metabolism (what uses up your calories) running. Eating 4-6x a day can make it so you don’t get “hangy” and overeat at your next meal.
Counting calories
Adagio FIT teaches a pyramid of nutrition and on the base of the pyramid is mindfulness. With that mindfulness comes awareness of where we are currently at. So in order to know that, we track our intake of calories and then use that as a starting point to then work towards your goals.
Eating too much or too little
Interestingly enough, you can eat too little and not get results. Be sure to eat enough calories when trying to lose weight. Sometimes people restrict too much, which will slow metabolism, hinder weight loss, and actually make you gain weight.
So how much do you need to eat? Hopefully you know now that it can differ for everyone at any time. Adagio FIT would love to help you calculate your needs. There are so many options for calculating caloric needs.
You can calculate them yourself with a website like this one but it can be a really bad reflection of what you need if the calculator doesn’t consider the factors we talked about above.
You can get a macro count session with or without coaching with Adagio FIT or you can dive deep and do a package of nutrition coaching to learn all the whys of your body. It will be an education about you that will serve you for a lifetime.
It’s almost the end of the year, so within the next couple of weeks most of us will be making our resolutions for next year. Even as a personal trainer and health coach I make them too!
making personal goals with a coach
As of this month I’ve been coaching for seven years.
At the studios, the studios are usually packed every January first with people with New Year’s resolutions. Then, by the middle to the end of January the studio dies down to back to normal numbers with a few new faces continuing on, but lots gone.
What happens during those first 2 or 3 weeks of January?
Why is it so hard to stick to our New Year’s resolutions especially with fitness?
It is estimated that over 95% of us fail at our New Year’s resolutions. By fail I mean, failing = giving up.
Here are the top 5 reasons why we fail at our fitness resolutions.
1. Overwhelm: we overload ourselves with too many resolutions. We have fitness goals, nutrition goals, financial goals, relationship goals, we have goals for our spouse and even for our kids. We simply can’t handle that many serious goals.
Studies show that when we try to take on more than one life-changing goal at a time our success rate is near nil. We simply don’t have the necessary will power and energy to focus on more than one at a time.
Fortunately, willpower is like a muscle, it gets stronger as we use it But it also is finite. Overload it and you’ll run out too fast as well.
Solution: simplify and commit to one big goal. Once that goal becomes a habit and it doesn’t take so much energy and will power to complete, then you can start working on a different resolution.
2. Lack of a plan: When one creates a resolution without a plan they lack direction and step to get there. Just like those with fitness goals going into a gym for their first time; walking around not knowing what to do next. There was no order or direction to their workout. The workout was purely left to chance.
The cardio deck, however, is always packed. This happens for a couple of reasons. One, it’s the default form of exercise especially for those that don’t feel comfortable lifting weights. And, I get it. It’s a lot easier figuring out how to set up the treadmill than designing a strength training workout and figuring out lifting technique.
And, reason number two, many people still falsely believe cardio to be the best form of exercise for fat loss despite dozens of studies pointing out how ineffective it is and that it is often counterproductive (people can actually get fatter from doing cardio). I see this in the studios a lot when women who have worked out for months complain that their body hasn’t changed even though they are working out so hard doing all these cardio classes.
Solution: hire a trainer to set you up on a program, or at the worst find a program online that targets the same goal you have and then watch some YouTube videos to learn technique.
3. Unrealistic expectations: We live in an extremely fast paced world. We can cue up any movie or TV show and watch it at any time. We can literally order anything in the world and have it shipped to us “next day “. We’re impatient, we want our perfect body and we want it yesterday.
Setting unrealistic goals is a dead end road. Instead of a goal being motivating, the goal becomes demoralizing and shame full. Week in and week out we beat ourselves up because we’re not hitting our numbers. So, of course, after a few weeks of that we’re gonna throw in the towel.
Solution: Hire a trainer. With their experience they can guide you to realistic expectations. Also, when setting a goal ask yourself how confident are you that you can accomplish it. If you’re not 90-100% confident that you can do it then modify it to the point that you are at least 90% confident.
Another part of being realistic is to expect plateaus. Nobody gets consistent progress week in and week out. There will be setbacks. Accept this fact and the road accomplishing your new year’s resolution will be a lot more enjoyable.
4. Skipping the goal setting process: “If you fail to plan, plan to fail.”
When talking to my clients about goals we talk about 3 types of goals: outcome goals, behavioral goals and purpose goals. When we first meet we will talk about these three types of goals.
At bare minimum you need to decide “what” it is that you’re trying to accomplish and then commit it to paper.
A goal gives you direction and writing it down helps hold you accountable while motivating you at the same time.
“An arrow without a target always hits its mark.” If you have vague goals your results will be vague as well.
So.. get super specific with your goals and review them daily.
Solution: carve out 20 minutes to visualize your goals and commit them in detail to paper. Then, review them daily. Remember to keep them simple and break them down #1 and #2 from above.
5. No accountability: Personal accountability is an oxymoron. By definition, you can not hold yourself accountable. There has to be a second person involved, a second person to which you report. Otherwise, it’s human nature to slack.
Accountability is the number one thing new clients ask me to do for them. It is usually why they hire me as their trainer or coach.
They want me to make sure they make it to their workouts and follow through with their nutrition goals.
Even without a trainer, studies have shown that just having a workout buddy can make a positive difference on consistency with your fitness goals.
Solution: hire a trainer to hold you accountable or at the very least find a buddy to hit the gym with and report to each other on your nutrition.
I teach my clients to make things effortless. Then they don’t have to think about winning, it is already set up for them. So for you, almost all of these five mistakes can be resolved by enlisting the help of a trainer or coach.
I believe this is a life lesson that crosses over to all aspects of life.
If you want to improve your golf swing, hire a golf pro.
If you want to get out of debt and prepare for retirement, hire a financial planner.
If you want to start a new business, hire a business coach.
The point is you don’t have to recreate the wheel with your fitness. An experienced trainer has “been there, done that” and they can get you to your goal in the shortest time possible.
Speaking of hiring a personal trainer or coach, I’d love to be yours.
It fixes all of the above mistakes and you’ll create the lifestyle that you envision for a healthy, happy life.
You will get world class training, nutrition coaching and accountability. And right now, I am offering a discounted rate going into the new year.
Follow this link to learn more. But hurry because my training and coaching spots fill in so fast.
One of my favorite summer events is taking a boat out to the middle of a lake, turning it off, and just sunning on the back bench. I love the feeling of the boat gently rocking in the waves, the hot, sun-warmed vinyl from beneath my body, and the intensity of the Utah sun beating down from above.
Photo by Ahmed Zayan
Can you relate to this peaceful feeling?
Unfortunately, this moment of peace always has an ending.
I remember at a lake here in Utah we had stopped the boat. After resting for a while I sat up only to find our boat was mere feet from a rocky shoreline. From past experiences (*cough cough*), I knew the boat, being that close to the shore, was in a red zone. It was going to be a huge risk to start the motor and the propeller without a rock mangling it and therefore hindering our ability to get to the dock. We were in a bad place.
It took a lot of effort and teamwork to get the boat away from the rocks, start it up on a prayer, and head away from danger.
I’ve thought about this experience a lot and have really built a beautiful analogy from it relating to whole health that I want to offer you today.
As humans, we are wired for the desire to find and accrue peace. Those moments of weightless peace on the boat? Yeah, we seek that out constantly. Effortlessness that comes easy. Haven’t you heard so many people say, “it seems so easy for ‘so and so’ to lose weight,” or, “stay constant,” or, “be able to eat anything they want and not gain weight.”
So we are searching for those moments where we can turn off the boat and relax in the Sun so to speak, but if we do that we tend to slowly drift towards red zones. For example, if I don’t track the foods that I eat I have a tendency to just take one bite or just one more piece of chocolate and the next thing I know after a couple days or weeks, I have lost complete control of my healthy eating. Same thing goes with missing exercise or your journal and meditation for the day.
The effort it takes to get away from that red zone is a lot and usually cannot be completed without members of a team in your boat. Now I’ll come back to your team in a second but I want to point that out. In your help red zones what does it take to get out of that zone? In my example it could be that I go through my kitchen and throw out everything that could cause me to overeat; or it could look like menu planning for the week and then putting that into an app.
Once you pull away enough from that Red Zone you can turn on the motor and really make some progress ( this might look like those first initial 5 lb that you lose or the ability to work out 5 days or 6 days in a week). The next question would be where are you headed next? That new destination is just like when we make goals.
When We choose to make goals we choose to move into the neighborhood of success and failure. Success and failure live next to each other. How does this relate to our boat?
It seems to me that when I have been on a boat heading for a destination it never fails that there’s some sort of friction that comes upon me. It’s to be expected. That friction could look like waves, other boats, wind, rocks, not quite knowing where we’re going, or even disagreement within my boat. But it is bound to happen.
When you make a goal you Essentially turn on the motor of your boat and head towards that goal. Those obstacles and frictions that come up will come up because you are trying to go somewhere. They make you work harder than just floating with the motor off. Sometimes you might lose sight of your goal. But if you are headed in the right direction with the right behaviors you will resurface so to speak and find her goal again.
Ironically enough when I’m talking to my clients I find that when we set a goal we tend to expect that it will be effortless or it is effortless while we turn our boat around and get it started in the first 10-15 ft but then after that it becomes harder.
But it is the friction actually allows us to make progress. If our boat was in the air in the prop was going at full speed you wouldn’t go anywhere. We need that water we need those waves in order to get us movement.
Now onto the next idea that I wanted to come back 2 was about the crew in your boat. Who do you want in your boat? Who will get you or help get you to your destination safely, more efficiently? either out of their previous experience or their skill set to help you man the boat. we want a good team on our side..
Two weeks ago when I talked to my client about this exact analogy I asked her who she wanted in her boat. She talked about her husband who supported her unconditionally in her goals. She talked about having me as her coach in the boat. And then she also talked about a woman who is a friend that she looks up to. So it wasn’t necessarily somebody who had skills but it was somebody she aspired to be like and be friends with; who could give her courage when the waters got rough.
In your boat it could look like a doctor, it could look like a therapist, family, friends, colleagues, boss, a lady down the street, somebody who always has your back, or somebody who can help you think rationally as well.
We could continue to find parallels with this analogy, so if you discover one for yourself, consider sharing it below. However, to come full circle with the final points of this analogy…
We tend to go easy and want to turn off our boats, but when we do we drift without control into Red zones.
When we make goals we essentially are turning on the motor of our boat and we will need friction in order to make progress.
The crew inside your boat will make or break your ability to reach your mile marker goal
So my question to you today is: What areas of your health are you floating with the motor off and, unbeknownst to you, heading for a red zone?
As a personal trainer, nutrition coach, and behavioral help coach I get in the boat with you. I help you have awareness of where you are on the lake and, As you make help goals, help you know how to navigate the friction will be ahead. We work together to be able to man your boat.
If this is something that has sparked some thoughtfulness in you, consider sharing it with a friend or family member and consider setting up a free consultation with me to see if we will be the right crew together to reach your new destination. I’d be honored to work with you.
Heading into part 3 of our series on the Six Dimensions of Wellness, we talk about occupational, intellectual, and social wellness. The discussion leads to how it will look if you are on the bottom end of our spectrum and then what it looks like as we head up the spectrum to optimal wellness for each of these areas. Listen below the show notes OR go find us on iTunes.
If you want to take a look at the spectrum, you can click on the graphic below from episode 6.
I also talk about a new coaching class that is coming on May 23 this month! This month it is free too! If you want to read more about the class and sign up, click below.
This podcast introduces a four part series about the six dimensions of wellness. Most people think that healthy is when they have no signs or symptoms of disease. However, someone with no signs or symptoms of disease may not feel happy and enjoy living to its fullest. Sound familiar? You may be healthy but still have to drag yourself out of bed because you just don’t know what you’re doing in life – feel a numbness. Therefore we need to get to a place that we are growing and educating ourselves to reach a high level of wellness and zest for living because we feel empowered and motivated. This discussion teaches how to get a base line for where you are today in the six dimensions of wellness and then goes over how to make goals for those six areas to move up the spectrum and into optimal living.
The six areas of wellness we will focus on are – physical, occupational, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and spiritual. In the next three podcasts we will discuss each area more in depth to help you figure out which one(s) may need some work so you can move from disease into a fullness of living.
Click here to get a copy of the PDF we use in this podcast :::Healthy Living Handout so you can follow along and make your own goals! Listen below in our player or subscribe by searing for
If you would like help making your goals or figuring out ways to reach those goals, I’d love to be of help. You can either start a conversation below in the comments (I LOVE comments) or you can book a FREE mini session by clicking the button below! I’d love to help you out! Bring your questions and we’ll figure out the answers together.
On our podcast we introduce to your what our 8 week program will do for you.
Can you say that you are looking for any of these –
Happier marriage? Better mother? Better health? Significant weight loss and/or muscle gain? Improved body image?
If you answered yes, you definitely need to sign up for our 8 week one-on-one coaching program that we have right now. Listen for all the details and if you’re ready to be coached, click the link below. PS – there is also a great surprise in our podcast this week that you don’t want to miss.
Next week we have our first (but not last) Q&A session – if you have any questions you’d like answered, leave us your question and comments below and we’ll happily and thoroughly explain.
Thanks for listening, and as always, please share with someone who may benefit from our podcast and coaching as well.