A Personal Trainer – 4 Reasons You Need One for Greatness

We all need motivation when it comes to physical fitness. Personal trainers are able to provide you with workout routines, weight loss coaching, and mental support to achieve your health goals.

workout with a personal trainer
Personal Training can Help you reach your goals

We can all use a little motivational boost every now and then, especially when it comes to personal fitness goals. Since physical fitness can be challenging, requiring us to push past boundaries and endure uncomfortable exercise that can be hard to pursue every single day, personal trainers are critically important to achieving fitness goals, weight loss, and overall balanced life.

As your personal fitness routine planner and support system, personal trainers embody everything you need to finally make a change in your life.

Here are 4 reasons you need a personal trainer:

Mental and Physical Support:

“Mind over matter.” We all know that fitness is strongly related to a mental component, more so than a physical component. Your mind is the deciding factor if you are going to push through a routine or not. Personal trainers will cheer you on and force you to push past those voices telling you “that you can’t do it.” They’ll keep you motivated and check in with you, helping to make fitness part of your habitual routine.

Certified Safe Training Routines:

We can become easily bored with the exact same cardio exercises every single day. Who wants to go on the same run, every single morning? Personal trainers are tasked with coming up with creative routines that are based on your body, goals, and capabilities, so you don’t have to worry about curating your own fitness moves. You simply get to step back and let the professionals handle the activity.

Proper Form:

Thousands of people every single year will end up in a doctor’s office from a fitness injury. There is a lot that goes into proper form when weights are concerned, which is why it can be highly dangerous to pursue this kind of exercise without professional oversight. Personal trainers will correct your form, over and over again, until your body grows accustomed to doing things the right way.

Weight Loss Coaching:

Personal trainers know more than just fitness routines; they know a thing or two about nutrition. They will teach you about macronutrients, as well as help weigh you, encouraging you to stick with your weight loss routine. It’s an all-in-one, personal coaching solution. 

If you’re ready to live a fit life and maintain a fitness routine that is right for you, your body, and your weight loss goals, let’s set up a consultation call. In our call we will chat about your goals and make sure we are the right fit (usually we are!). Then, I create customized fitness and weight loss or build plans that will provide you with tangible results in just a few weeks. It’s time to make a commitment to your body and your health, and it starts today

#19 – Weekly Wisdoms

Did you know we have an extremely amazing weekly email? I thought you might want to know. So today I am sharing with you a couple of my favorites to help you see what you can get each week. Plus our email gives you first dibs on new programs, classes and freebies. All because I love my listeners and readers.

If you love the podcast, you’ll love the email and can sign up with the link below –


#07 – Six Dimensions of Wellness Part 2 – Physical Wellness

Part 2 of our four part series on the Six Dimensions of Wellness – We focus on physical wellness today. There are 6 ways to gauge how we are doing in our physical wellness and we discuss these ways and things you can do in each of them to better your wellness. We talk about movement, exercise, nutrition, and a couple of areas to create the best you.  Listen below.

If you haven’t listened to part 1 please find episode 6 and listen to that and print out the worksheet to follow along and make your goals.

In the Obesity sections we talk about this TED talk I referred to in episode 3.

And in the Nutrition section we talk about some resources and those are linked below—


Click here to get a copy of the PDF we use in this podcast series ::: Healthy Living Handout so you can follow along and make your own goals! Listen below in our player or subscribe by in your podcast app.

If you would like help making your physical goals or figuring out ways to reach those goals, I’d love to be of help. You can either start a conversation below in the comments (I LOVE conversation) or you can find a program and class that will fit your needs by clicking the button below! I’d love to help you out! Bring your questions and we’ll figure out the answers together.

#04 Our 8 Week One-on-One Coaching Program

On our podcast we introduce to your what our 8 week program will do for you.

Can you say that you are looking for any of these –

Happier marriage? Better mother? Better health? Significant weight loss and/or muscle gain? Improved body image?

If you answered yes, you definitely need to sign up for our 8 week one-on-one coaching program that we have right now. Listen for all the details and if you’re ready to be coached, click the link below.  PS – there is also a great surprise in our podcast this week that you don’t want to miss.

Next week we have our first (but not last) Q&A session – if you have any questions you’d like answered, leave us your question and comments below and we’ll happily and thoroughly explain.

Thanks for listening, and as always, please share with someone who may benefit from our podcast and coaching as well.