I had the best opportunity to connect with the members of Magnolia Fit to teach them something that is dear to my heart, nutrition. If you have been with me a while, you’ll know that I was a female nutrition coach for ten years before I jumped over to work with my husband. If you didn’t know, now you do.
I am obsessed with women’s health and happiness. Most of our leadership tools were created because of the tools we use in nutrition and exercise. They overlap a lot.
This is an intro to macros class, but also a look at how I view and teach nutrition in my coaching. It may be a gem in the middle of all this leadership stuff 🙂
If you want to know more about Magnolia Fit, check them out here, and maybe watch for them in an upcoming episode of the podcast!!!
Today, we’ll talk about how to keep your female hormones in harmony.
There are a number of things you can do:
Eating a healthy diet. A healthy diet is important for overall health and well-being, and it’s especially important for keeping your hormones in balance. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods are rich in nutrients that support hormone health.
Getting regular exercise. Exercise is another important way to keep your hormones in balance. Exercise helps to regulate the production of hormones, and it can also help to reduce stress levels. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
Managing stress. Stress can have a negative impact on hormone levels. If you’re feeling stressed, try to find ways to relax and de-stress. Exercise, yoga, and meditation are all great ways to manage stress.
Getting enough sleep. Sleep is essential for hormone production and regulation. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Avoiding toxins. Toxins, such as those found in cigarette smoke, alcohol, and processed foods, can disrupt hormone balance. If you want to keep your hormones in balance, it’s important to avoid these toxins.
Here are some of the most common symptoms of hormone imbalance:
Irregular periods
Heavy or light periods
Painful periods
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Vaginal dryness
Mood swings
Weight gain or loss
Hair loss
Skin problems
Sleep problems
Sexual problems
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor. They can help you to identify the cause of your symptoms and recommend treatment options.
Here are some of the most common causes of hormone levels to be in dissonance:
Age: Hormone levels naturally decline as we age.
Stress: Stress can disrupt hormone production and regulation.
Diet: A diet that is high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can contribute to hormone imbalance.
Lack of exercise: Exercise helps to regulate hormone production.
Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid problems, can cause hormone imbalance.
Medications: Some medications, such as birth control pills, can disrupt hormone balance.
If you are concerned about your hormone levels, talk to your doctor. They can order blood tests to measure your hormone levels and help you to determine the cause of your symptoms. Remember that hormone testing is a one time thing but female bodies are in constant flux with hormone levels in your body.
One on One coaching and small group coaching sessions are starting to open up. Reach out for a free consultation to get started working on your health.
Counting calories is a great strategy when trying to lose, maintain or gain weight, but the question is how many should you be working towards?
How many calories should you eat?
Counting Calories with A Trainer can help you have better success towards your goals
One size definitely does not fit all when it comes to determining your caloric needs. Some of the factors you need to consider are:
Age: Calorie needs peak around age 25, and then start to decline by about two percent every 10 years. An aging body replaces muscle with fat, which burns fewer calories than muscle so if you aren’t using an exercise regime and other healthy lifestyle habits to keep muscle, your caloric needs will also from those that are.
Gender: Generally, a man’s calorie level is five to ten percent higher than a woman’s! The exception is during pregnancy and breastfeeding women can need more. But male biochemistry normally has less body fat and a higher percentage of muscle mass.
Metabolism: Everyone has a minimum number of calories needed to maintain vital functions. This is your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Certain medical conditions, medications, and your gender can affect your BMR. In our nutrition coaching we help you figure your BMR correctly.
Genetic blueprint: If you have a metabolic disease (e.g., hypothyroidism), factor it in. If you have hormone disorders (e.g., PCOS, PMDD, endometriosis, hashimotos), factor those in. There are SO many ways our genes can affect your calorie needs and a certified coach can help you incorporate these in well.
Body shape and athletic shape you’re in: These affect a number of calories you need. Did you know there are different body types that burn more calories or hold onto calories more? It is important to look at that and how much you exercise right now too, which is next.
Activity level: The type, length, and intensity of exercise all affect how many calories you’ll burn.
On average a female can eat between 1,800 and 2,200 calories per day to maintain her current weight. A male can eat between 2,200 and 2,600 calories. These figures are based on men and women between the ages of 30 to 50 who have a BMI of 22 to 23 (a normal weight). But that number can then vary greatly taking in the above factors and more!
All calories aren’t created equal
A calorie is defined as a unit of energy supplied by food. One calorie is one calorie regardless of its source (e.g., carbohydrate, fat, or protein). But how calories are digested, absorbed, stored, and burned differs.
A good example of this is 100 cals of broccoli vs 100 cals of oreos (a classic example I use in coaching). Broccoli is nutrient dense with lots of natural vitamins, minerals, and prebiotics. Plus due to its unprocessed nature, it has strong building blocks for your body building. On the opposite side of that is our 100 cals of oreos – synthetic and made for you to not just eat one, but to eat the whole sleeve and still feel wanting.
Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins along with healthy fats to keep your weight in check and help you to stay healthy and honestly, eat less calories overall because most nutrient dense foods that are less processed are high in volume.
Losing or maintaining weight
If you’re looking to lose weight or maintain your weight, you ought to consider your blood sugar levels and therefore eat 4-6 times a day. This can also keep your metabolism (what uses up your calories) running. Eating 4-6x a day can make it so you don’t get “hangy” and overeat at your next meal.
Counting calories
Adagio FIT teaches a pyramid of nutrition and on the base of the pyramid is mindfulness. With that mindfulness comes awareness of where we are currently at. So in order to know that, we track our intake of calories and then use that as a starting point to then work towards your goals.
Eating too much or too little
Interestingly enough, you can eat too little and not get results. Be sure to eat enough calories when trying to lose weight. Sometimes people restrict too much, which will slow metabolism, hinder weight loss, and actually make you gain weight.
So how much do you need to eat? Hopefully you know now that it can differ for everyone at any time. Adagio FIT would love to help you calculate your needs. There are so many options for calculating caloric needs.
You can calculate them yourself with a website like this one but it can be a really bad reflection of what you need if the calculator doesn’t consider the factors we talked about above.
You can get a macro count session with or without coaching with Adagio FIT or you can dive deep and do a package of nutrition coaching to learn all the whys of your body. It will be an education about you that will serve you for a lifetime.
There’s a quote that says it takes four weeks for you to see a difference, 8 weeks for close friends to see a difference, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to see a difference. This quote hones in on something that’s been on my mind.
About 150% of the time (no kidding) when I have a health coaching client who is doing really well they hit an interesting roadblock. The roadblock comes because when you make changes and others notice, others think that it is now their job to give you input about this change. Usually the input comes when we change because others become uncomfortable because they liked the old you or behaviors, or because they are curious towards your success and they want the same for themselves.
What usually happens with my clients though is that they do great until people start making comments and then, when people start making comments, it makes them uncomfortable and these clients have a revert to past behaviors to soothe this discomfort. So as a health coach, working with my female clients, we have to start learning how to be uncomfortable with other people being uncomfortable and voicing that discomfort.
I don’t know if you know about a tuning fork, but when you use a tuning fork on, let’s say, a rock and hit it, the tuning fork will play a vibration/note according to that rock. If you were to take a second tuning fork and hit another rock that second tuning fork would play the note of that second rock. Now this is where things get interesting. If both of those tuning forks are playing those notes/vibrations at the same time eventually the one tuning fork will change its note to match the other tuning fork. And then they will play together.
What does this have to do with health?
When you make changes in your health you are changing your vibration. It may have been low but you have raised it with new habits and applied knowledge. You could have lost 10 pounds or are cleaning up your diet. You could have been going to the gym when you used to be very sedentary. When you hold that vibration long enough other people will notice that your vibration is different.
Everybody else in the world also holds a vibration. You could also call it a vibe or energy. When two vibrations meet and they are not on the same note, one vibration will need to change to meet the other in order to soothe the dissonance.
So the question is, who is going to change their vibration? And the second question is, how long can one hold out for the other to change?
It is a lot easier for those who are trying out a new vibration in life like becoming more healthy to drop down into their previous vibration. An example of this could be when a mom goes to wake up their kids in the morning. The mom’s happy to see her kids but her kids wake up ornery. She has tried to change her vibration by being happy but their vibration is low. So what happens? The mom drops her vibration to the kids’ vibration and starts yelling at them instead to get out of bed.
So what would have happened if the mom would have kept up her vibration? Well after a certain couple of minutes when the kids have really woken up they will probably raise their vibration to be happy and then they will continue on their morning in a happy positive way.
Here are some personal examples, because these vibration dissonances are happening all the time in our lives:
When I started my health journey I started having a protein shake everyday. My husband gave me a hard time at first saying how gross it looked, and continued in his own vibration of old habits. I held onto my new habit, and about five years later, he had a protein shake.He’s had one almost every day since.
On the flip side of that I was trying to level up my eating game this past year and went on a family vacation with my extended family. When we got to our destination together, the first meal that was offered was not something that was on my meal plan. I was so tired and worn out from traveling, and even though I knew it wasn’t on plan. I ate that meal. It caused a domino effect. The whole trip ended up with me moving back to expected vibrations because I was weak and dropped mine one time. That’s all it took. One time. I dropped my vibration down to what it used to be in many ways besides just my meal plan – from moods, to comments, to birth order roles and expectations. I’m sure you can relate to this. I am not proud of that vacation this past year.
Even after a couple of months since the trip, I don’t look at that vacation very fondly. I wasn’t true to myself and I didn’t keep promises to myself. I also didn’t hold off long enough for my family to raise their vibration because I was scared of what they would think of me or the comments that they would make.
I didn’t remember, but I want you to remember that when others comment about you, it is a direct reflection of them, not you. It is their noticing your vibration has changed and they feel that dissonance. It is their way of trying to regain control of the feelings they are having.
When you get to that point in your health journey of people making comments, be it family, friends, neighbors, etc, check into your vibration. Ask yourself if you would like to drop your vibration back down to where others will feel comfortable and your habits were the ones that didn’t get you to a good place, or would you like to keep your new vibration long enough for others to meet your vibration and for you to continue to feel proud of the work you’ve done?
That is what you are in control of. Hold that vibration.
What are ways to keep that vibration strong?
Honestly, I see the greatest strength come in numbers. Accountability with friends or a coach like me is a great way to hold strong. I meet with my clients to coach once a week and then also have check-ins. But my clients can text me anytime if it is an emergency. That is part of why you need a coach. That cheerleader and coach rooting you on and keeping your high vibration with you. Friends or other family can also do this for you, but tend to also be emotionally bias, so beware of that.
Second is to be honest with those around you. Don’t skirt about the issue. It isn’t their cooking! And even if it was, you are working with your body and mind to level up. When we state out loud what we are working on, we gain strength from new places. It is empowering.
Third, feel free to take some time. Sometimes I need to excuse myself to the bathroom to take a quick minute to check my intentions and habits. You could retreat to your room and do some breathing exercises. Putting space between the action and reaction is helpful. This time also helps you stay present and mindful.
As we head into holidays there will be lots of people who have worked really hard to change their vibration. They have new habits and new lifestyles and maybe a new shape that they are taking back to old energies. Does the term “falling off the bandwagon” ring a bell? That is losing your new vibration and dropping down to expected old ones.
If you really don’t want to come out of the holidays like that, consider setting up a free consultation with me and see if we are a good fit to coach together. I want health for you in body + mind. I am ready for you to take on this new vibration and can be that strength you need as you learn a new lifestyle and go through the learning process 🙂
Fill out the form linked below to get the coaching ball rolling. Those holidays are barreling in fast.
I have just completed 15 weeks of a bikini prep program. No competition but all the work to get to one. Let’s say, I started full force with great success and came crawling through mud to the end. Wow, did I learn SO much! Pros and Cons! I cannot wait to share these things with you. As always, it may look different for each one of you. All our bodies are SO different and circumstances/lifestyles – so what I needed, wanted, experienced is all from my perspective and not through others. I’d love to hear what you have learned if you have done one before.
First, I wanted to start with my why and motivation. For years I have pushed hard in the exercise realm and also ate well. But I noticed I was missing some key components to getting “ripped.” I wanted to prove to myself that getting my body fat % below 15% was possible and doable without a gym membership. I also was totally ready to grow as a personal trainer and nutrition coach. I wanted to experience the process so I can coach my own clients with empathy, understanding, and vision.
Next in the process. You start at a moderate but low calorie amount. Foods are mainly one ingredient foods with some exceptions. No sugar, no dairy, no gluten. Pairings of foods are placed together to give you the most bang for your pound. Every week there are subtractions or replacements to your feeds so you eat less but your body adapts because they are well placed adjustments. Exercise runs the opposite course – five one-hour sessions to six two- to three-hour sessions a week.
Alright, without further ado, my list. I have been pondering on this for about 5 weeks now as I came dragging into the homestretch. They are in no particular order and definitely aren’t exclusive to all of my thoughts.
The same insecurities I had 18 pounds ago are the same insecurities I have now.
Eating whole, one ingredient foods make me feel the best
I am emotionally connected to food
I am socially connected to food
There was a point where my body rejected more programming and I needed to pull back for a while and reset.
My mental health is almost MORE important than my physical health. Without good mental health, anything good I pursue didn’t matter.
Eating one ingredient foods and ridding my body of sugar, gluten, and dairy changed three things drastically that weren’t my size – my acne is all but gone, my hormones were in a better balance range, my mental health is DEPENDANT on whole, one ingredient foods
You need a good coach to guide you and talk you off of the wall at times
You need serious accountability to make serious changes
This world is obese because of added sugars and too little protein
What you learn about yourself is WAY more important than the results at the end
Even a small step forward is a BIG win!
I wanted to throw the towel in multiple times and I am SO thankful that I gritted up and tried again – because 80% or even 50% or even 30% is better than 0%
Different goals require different nutrition and exercise programs —- too many women try to do everything ALL at once. Example: I had a client text me to see if I could coach her while she 1) lost weight 2) built 10 lbs of muscle 3) trained for a triathlon 4) wanted to intuitively eat. Yikes! We do better when we pick one or we’ll be knocking heads with the cross points of our goals.
Supplementation is a must with a cutting diet
Timing in your eating is IMPERATIVE to keeping muscle and not crashing mid-day.
You can do anything!!!
Because of this program, I have revamped parts of my nutrition coaching in what I have learned and am implementing it to be a better coach for you.
If you don’t eat right, you won’t see change. I swear nutrition is 90% of the equation to body change.
Get a coach! Nuff said there!
Food can be ritualistic and there’s definitely a FOMO in certain ritual situations (like my birthday) when you don’t eat what everyone else is eating and what you look forward to so much.
I love allowing myself a treat on Sunday’s. It keeps me sane.
Sugar makes me feel SO junky and slow and bloated and all the wrong things.
But my body craves sugar if I am not eating the right kinds of foods at the right times.
When you lose enough weight to change clothes sizes, it is really strange and difficult to fork up the money to purchase new stuff.
Sometimes weight drops don’t lead to clothing size drops. Don’t go there with expectations.
When you lose a bunch of weight, there is a fear of gaining it all back every single time you eat or shop for a new clothing size or get close to finishing your program.
You can’t possibly maintain a super low weight on a restricted diet without injuring your hormones or body in general.
To achieve an extremely low body fat %, it will take complete sacrifice of all else. Between meal prep, recovery, and gym time, it is hours of each day. Too many women want the body but aren’t willing or can’t do 3 hours a day, 6 days a week in the gym.
My body can’t eat cake and cut weight at the same time.
It is always about trusting the process and hanging onto your coach’s knowledge
There is an end to every season – from the actual program and challenge it was to even the weight I ended with, it is all temporary and the only thing certain is change.
Peanut Butter is king!
My body craves nuts and peanut butter when I am in a calorie deficit – like cannot stop thinking about anything in that realm.
This is a lifestyle I’d like to continue in – I truly was eating the right foods, just in a deficit. So now, I get to keep eating them in, but more!!!
You can fuel your body super efficiently with whole, one ingredient food.
It is all about finding volume foods and spices to liven and fill you.
There is always an event or an excuse. There just is.
Foods during low hormone phases vs high hormone phases tasted and pleased/disgusted differently.
Two hours in the gym plus little caloric intake wipes you out. YOU MUST REST and rest MORE.
So here are some before and after photos – honestly, I can’t see much change in myself but I FEEL better and have had others notice a difference. I guess it is all the eye of the beholder and sometimes we have to hold onto how others see us if we cannot see that change and know there is one.
Hopefully you have gained some insight into all the thoughts (even contradicting ones) of a rigorous program. There is a right season to everything, just not all at once. That is why I NEVER give my clients the same program as anyone else and NEVER try to achieve too many goals at one time. Everything is thought out to where the client is at and the circumstances they are in and where they want to be. Time, accountability, and consistency in anything is key and that is what I, as your coach, can do for you.
If you’d like to take a 12 week nutrition coaching course, do a bikini prep program, or get some amazing personal, personal training, reach out via the Contact Us link in the Train menu up top. I’d love to coach with you.
Overall, would I do the program again? Yes, I would, and I am planning on it already – I know there is more progress I can make. Would I make some changes in how the program is set up and given? Yes, I would. Was I perfect in keeping with my guidelines? Nope, I definitely had fails, but we have to be honest in our mortal bodies. Can I be a better coach because of this? Yes, I can and have already implemented some of the process to dos into my coaching to get better results for my clients.
***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational and journaling purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***
Sugar and I had a good go, but it is time to break up. The more I study about it, the more I just can’t have it as a part of my life. I’m going to have to get my joy ride from something else. For 2021 (and I can’t believe I am saying this out loud and on paper FOR-EV-ER in the clouds) that I am going to try my darndest to go the whole year without it. And, from what I’ve studied, it may take up to 5 years, FIVE, to get the cravings to go away. Sheesh… I’m in it for the long haul. But it is imperative that we breakup.
Not convinced you are ready to say goodbye to your best friend who always has your back, even though you know that they aren’t doing you good? I get that. It is a sneaky one and an addicting one as well. but being open to this idea may help you create some awareness around your body and diet and you may be able to start some simple changes to help your health.
Here are just some of the main ways sugar affects your body. Definitely a big list and seriously not even the tip of the iceberg….
First off, sugar messes with your energy regulation. No one needs energy drops. Eating sugar alone can be an issue too so pair it with a protein and small amount of healthy fat to sustain and regulate energy better.
Sugar can mess with your brain’s ability to regulate. When you eat sugar, you can get the same rush of endorphins that can be equal or even greater than a hit of cocaine to the pleasure center of the brain. And next time, in order to get the same degree of rush, you must eat more sugar. If you are an emotional eater, this could cause a problem with consuming sweets to “feel better.”
Studies are showing that too much sugar leads to higher depression in adults. One of the main thoughts on this is that sugar can give you a burst of energy, but when that energy runs through your body, you body may drop to an even lower state of mood and energy than before. So think twice about hitting up for that mid-afternoon slump. Witching hour anyone? But also sugar decreases and interferes neurotransmitter effectiveness in your brain due to… you guessed it, inflammation of the brain on sugar.
We all know that sugar can rot your gorgeous smile, even if you brush your teeth, your saliva can hold more sugary goodness long after you eat it.
Did you know that sugar can also cause joint aches and pains? Yep. Sugar is an inflammatory, dare I say, DRUG. With that inflammation your joints cannot work in full range of motion and you are more likely to cause injury to them. Too much sugar over time is also linked to rheumatoid arthritis. Yikes!
Inflammation just doesn’t happen in your joints, it can also happen on your skin… hello acne AND wrinkles! We definitely don’t wait to age faster for any reason but that is what sugar is going to do to your skin due to the loss of elasticity because of how sugar reacts with the collagen in your skin. You will get acne because the inflammation causes the fatty layer of your skin to produce more oil and your pores cannot keep up so they get clogged.
When you eat excess sugar, the extra insulin in your bloodstream can affect the arteries all over your body. It causes their walls to get inflamed (another inflammatory response), grow thicker than normal and more stiff, this stresses your heart and damages it over time. This can lead to heart disease, like heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes.
When you eat, your pancreas pumps out insulin to help your blood sugar levels regulate. If you’re eating too much sugar, your body stops responding properly to insulin and regulations. It is on overload. So then your pancreas starts pumping out even more insulin. Eventually, your overworked pancreas will break down and your blood sugar levels will rise, setting you up for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Or even milder symptoms such as bad sleep and heart palpitations… which as a mom, sleep if everything for me!
Added and refined sugars in your diet can increase your risk of cancer. Cancer FEEDS on sugar and so does estrogen which can be instrumental in breast cancer is levels get too high or the hormone mutates.
And it can cause weight gain due to the inflammation stress that happens to your body with increased blood sugar levels. Soda is the biggest offender here because of its concentrated and liquid sugar content.
AND (maybe the most important lol) it can seriously decrease your sex drive because your blood flow isn’t working properly due to the chemicals and sugar fighting throughout your body. I don’t think we need ANY of that going on.
For me, having PMDD, eating sugar really messes with my hormone balance and therefore my mood and body image. The times when I have eaten a sugary diet (around the holidays for example or even a “craving week”), my anxiety and disruptive thoughts skyrocket. I don’t necessarily know the science of why but I can only guess that inflammation has a major part in this change. I feel crappy and therefore I act crappy. Super sciency words right there!
I hate that I don’t sleep well when sugar is a main part of my diet and I feel like I can’t be a good teacher and coach being sluggish. Everything is so connected in my body (and yours) that removing sugar is going to help in SO many areas as I talked about above.
Check out my next post on ways to limit sugar and a further post on some other ideas about sugar. In the meantime, you can watch this video that was produced a while ago, but still so pertinent to the breakup with sugar…
***We do not claim to be a doctor or anything of the like. This document is for educational and journaling purposes only. Any action taken by the reader is their sole responsibility and should be done with discretion. No claim can be made against Adagio FIT or its employees. If you ever have any questions, take them to your primary care doctor.***
In the podcast today we are talking all about urges and cravings. What does it take to make a craving and answer a craving – the science of our brains is amazing. We also chat about tools we can use to rewire our brains to answer our cravings differently using the PAZ technique.
After you listen, leave us some feedback right below here in our show notes! We’d love to start a conversation. Also, I mentioned in the podcast about a free mini session… those sign ups are in the link below!
Oh the dreaded carb! But is it really scary enough to be feared? We are debunking carbs today on the podcast and why they are really important for your body.
Six reasons carbs are important: carbohydrates are the body’s main source of fuel; carbohydrates are easily used by the body for energy; all of the tissues and cells in our body can use glucose for energy; carbohydrates are needed for the central nervous system, the kidneys, the brain and the muscles (including the heart) to function properly; carbohydrates can be stored in the muscles and liver and later used for energy; and carbohydrates are important in intestinal health and waste elimination.
On top of why these are important, I pass along my coaching tips and hints for getting the most out of carbs to help our energy and blood sugar levels. It’s a great listen!
After you listen, leave us some feedback right below here in our show notes! We’d love to start a conversation. Also, I mentioned in the podcast about a free mini session… those sign ups are in the link below!
Did you know we have an extremely amazing weekly email? I thought you might want to know. So today I am sharing with you a couple of my favorites to help you see what you can get each week. Plus our email gives you first dibs on new programs, classes and freebies. All because I love my listeners and readers.
If you love the podcast, you’ll love the email and can sign up with the link below –
This is one of my favorite podcasts to do. I love when I get your questions and I am able to answer them because it makes me give you content that is directly relevant to you. And being here for you is what our business is all about.
Today we talk about –
What Adagio means
Help with food choices! I am not happy with my body and find myself eating a lot of fast food.
More help with food choices but when we have started exercising consistently
Three more things!
First, if you leave the podcast an iTunes review I will send you my 4 week workout plan for weights and cardio at home PERSONALIZED for you! – to make it easy, click here to link to us. Leave the podcast review and then shoot me an email at clarissa@adagiofit.com with a screenshot of your review and I will reply with the workouts!
Second, if you have questions or thoughts about any of these topics from today leave them below in the comments. I would truly love to hear from you.
Finally, in July we are hosting three onlineclasses and you can still sign up for any of them. Click below for more information about our classes — PS – they are free until one week before class and are filled with freebies too so sign up today!